:: The Headache Diaries (Retired) ::

:: The Headache Diaries (Retired) ::

Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021

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:: 12.31.2012 ::

Longest Recap Ever

So now that it is the last day of the year, I have decided to recap what the hell I had done. Not that I really want to, or that anyone will care what I think about my year, but just because I like to chronicle crap like this. That way, in a few years I can look back and go "oh geez."

I will start backwards. Like starting from today. Today I took some time in the morning to reflect on my values and what I want. Let me tell you that the conclusions are not awesome. Here are some things that I realize... Oh and by the way, if anyone gets offended, good! You know what? I don't care. Why? Because if I am offending you, that means you attitude towards me ain't all that anyways. Okay so here we go:

(1)I realize that I seek out things too much. Huh? What? Yes. First, I am always seeking out people. I call people. I ask them to hang out. What happens? Either they are too busy or they just want me to drive them around. Nice, thanks! I drive thousands of miles just to have to weasel my way in to see people. Oh I'm sorry! I must have forgot I have to make enormous efforts to see people. I'd like to emphasize certain family members with this one. Well, at least my mother wants to see me.

I also seem to seek out "things," namely careers. You know what I learned? That since I can't be a pilot, nothing matters to me. Yup. TJ helped me figure that one out. What I learned is that ever since I knew I couldn't be a pilot, I could care less about school and careers, etc.. Why should I? So I have been on this never-ending ride of trying to find a "career" when in fact I could care less about having one... unless I'm a pilot. Okay so that is a big thing! More on that in subsequent paragraphs.

So the conclusion for part 1 is that I am only buying Christmas gifts for certain people. I'm scratching certain people off my list forever. Until I see some effort into holiday crap, I am not initiating anything. I am also not going to tell anyone that I am coming to visit anymore. Maybe I will, but I am not initiating anything anymore. Done! So read that people!!! Winter, spring, summer or fall, if I visit, you may never know. I think my frustration level will drop significantly doing this method.

(2) I'm going to "go with the flow" from now on. What I mean by that takes into account the second part of part 1. Here I am, wasting my life trying to do things that make other people happy, meanwhile I am not happy. So you know what I am going to do? NOTHING! I am only going to go with things that flow, following the flow the good Lord will provide. I officially don't care about anything anymore. I am not about to try anything new or "see what happens" for the sake of something I don't think will benefit me or don't care about 100%. That means I will not go to school for any other reason besides doing it to make me HAPPY (so that means school is not at the front of my mind), I will not take any jobs I don't want to take, I will not volunteer to do anything that I am not happy doing, etc., etc.. I am way too old to be screwing around with things that take my time away from me being happy. Yup!

So the rest of my day consisted of me being mad about the things I have done. Namely Caribbean school. If there is some life lesson to be learned, it is this: Life changing events should not be peppered with doubt. If there is one iota of doubt about something that can alter the course of your life forever, that means don't do it. So when I felt uneasy about moving to the Caribbean, I should have listened. Now I know some people, like myself, will say "Yeah but you'll never know until you try!!" YES THAT IS TRUE BUT... what are you trying to know? Are you trying to know if this endeavor is going to work out? Well... IT WONT! Why? Because YOU DOUBT IT! And that is that. I learned this and you should too.

IT's kind of when I was younger, like early 20s, when I would "get a feeling" and ignore it because it was stupid to feel that way. Then something bad would happen and I would wind up saying "why didn't I listen to myself, blah, blah, blah..." I learned to listen to myself, and bad things stopped happening to me. Now I have to apply this to doubt. I have to say "If this is a huge decision and I have doubt, I should figure out why I have doubt, and if it is possible to correct it." If that is not possible, then SCREW IT. Trust me. You may think I am an asshole and I don't know anything, but so far my life has been pretty good. I have made the mistake for you! Your job is easy now. Example: You want to buy a house, but you are slightly uneasy about having your baby daddy on the deed. What to do? Either don't put him on the lease or don't buy a house with him. Very simple. Example: You want to have a career, but you are already pretty good at logistics, and even like it. You then put in years of work to get into medical school and are rejected. You think about Caribbean school and think its a good idea, but there is some doubt about it that you can't place. What do you do? NOT GO. You either figure out what is wrong and get comfortable with the idea or do something else. Simple! Hooray!

This whole month I had been "reflective" on stupid shit I had done. One good example is dating that idiot from Oklahoma. What was that about?? Who knows. I can't even pull out anything good other than I stayed with him longer than I liked him for so I could break up with him and make him cry. So success to me on that part. Yeah you heard me. I PLANNED IT. Anyway, I had been pretty "nostalgic" about my life and wondered why things happened like they did. Safe to say that was a useless way to spend time. I figured that perhaps I should ask myself how I can "learn" from these events so that I don't waste more time in the future:

First, I thank God I am married. This alone cuts out a lot of crap from my life.

Okay, so I realized that I don't like school. I mean, I KNEW that, but I never admitted it. So now I am admitting it. I don't like school. Okay there. Now, what to do with this information? First, I plan to NOT go to school. Okay, no I plan to go, maybe, but for specific reasons I will mention soon. Anyway, I am not going to school to do something I don't think I will like 100%. Or that I don't think is awesome. So that means that I will only go to school if it means I will learn something useful or that I will enjoy what I am learning. Obviously, this does not apply to medical school. Medical school is in fact the opposite of fun and enjoyment. I think it is a modern torture chamber actually. Very boring. Just a shitload of memorizing stuff and that's it. Yup. If you think you like school, try medical school. You just might change your mind!

Now that I officially don't like school, what do I do? What will my job be? Answer: WHO CARES. Yup. Who cares. You know what I am going to do? I am going to get a driving job and that is that. If I like it, I will go to MBA school for supply chain. If I don't like it, I will think about something else, all while saying "WHO CARES???" Because let me tell you something: if most people in my life can't even make an effort to visit me for the holidays, they certainly could care less about what I do to make money.

I also learned that I like to work with my hands. Again, I knew this but I have to put it into effect. No more "science" crap. Look I like science but I am not going to devote my life to that chit. No. My IQ score actually comes from my almost genius level spatial and logic skills. What can I do with that? I don't know. Drive maybe.

I admit that I like to manipulate things. THINGS not people! Hello. I mean that I like to work with my hands to create things and make things or fix things. Pfft.

I would love to fly. I am considering trying to go back to getting my pilot's license again. I will have to save for a few years to pay for it, but I think it may be worth it since I can finally say "I AM A ______ AND I LOVE IT!!" If I get a decent job, I will consider this an option.

I learned that I don't do well living in third world countries by myself. The isolation and blahhhh get to me after a few weeks.

I also learned that I do not like being away from TJ too long. Call me needy or whatever, but that is the truth. Props to all of those who say "I can't go to Carib school cuz it's too far from everyone." IT'S TRUE. I couldn't do it. No matter how nice the school or the island is, I just can't do it. Too bad for me I guess. If you are able to be away from your spouse, I guess that is good for you. I can't.

So now that I know that I can't be away from TJ, I know that I can't "go away for school" or get some job where I don't see him by the end of two weeks. That seems to be my maximum. Which is good for a driving job. Unless we do teams. Then we will be together non-stop. Something to consider.

This last paragraph is going to be on nothing. In fact, I am tired if writing about this ridiculous year. I am just glad it is over. I only have good things to look forward to. Yeah, seriously. I know there are some nut jobs out there who think their life is over because they can't do medical school or whatever. HA HA! Wow! Okay think of this: there are almost six BILLION people on this Earth. Most of them do not know you. So think about all the people who do not give a crap about you. Those people could care less if you get into med school or become a doctor. They have ten kids and have to get water 5 miles away. You on the other hand live in a nice house or apartment and have a car, ave running water and have birth control pills. And you also probably throw out half of the turkey for Thanksgiving because its the "yucky" part. If you went to this person with your problem about not getting into medical school they would be very confused. Now tell them you want to end your life because you didn't get in or whatnot and they will probably laugh.

Okay I'm sorry, you feel bad. Well, now think of all the people that DO care about you. Yes, all six of them. Now do you think they think you are a loser because you didn't get into med school? If your answer is "yes" you need a new family. The answer should be "no!" They would rather you work in MacD's than kill yourself because you didn't get into Cunningham Medical School on St. Roger's Island near Myanmar. I am serious. So if any losers want to come on here and write that I am a this and a that because I left med school blah blah, go suck a dick because I don't care. There are so many things in life worth more than going to school that you cannot convince me that I had made a grave error. Yes it's sad, I would have liked to have completed it, but I am not going to kill myself over this. My motto is "I would rather kill you than kill myself." There is no one on this planet who can make me feel low enough to kill myself. What is more likely to happen is that I will become very annoyed and kill you. That way you will shut up. So if anyone out there is sad about school and wants to kill themselves, please know that there is always another place to move to, another job to have, and even another family to have. If someone sucks, just throw them away with the cat litter and start again.

And there you have it. Happy New Year!

:: Jane Dee 3:28:00 PM [+] ::
:: 12.27.2012 ::
Muzak For Thought

Try this on for size.

:: Jane Dee 9:42:00 PM [+] ::
:: 11.12.2012 ::
No Roll, Just Destruction

Well, I am not happy.

First off, my tests went horribly. I think I am going to have to repeat something. Maybe two things. Not everything but at least one thing.

I was struggling with this idea all weekend. I had gone through sadness and happiness, crying and being "okay," to wanting to pack my bags and leaving right this minute. Then, I called my mother. I don't normally call her when I'm not well, but I thought for some reason to call her. We talked for about three hours and she told me that repeating wouldn't be a big deal. She told me about some people, even some who are in Caribbean school, who had trouble and either got through it or is still working on it. I felt a little better after talking to her. I felt that I could stay and try again.

I woke up the next day feeling worse though. I was so down, I felt like I was going to have to go home and seek help. I talked to TJ and he said that I would have to come home if I start to get more moody and feel worse. I agreed, but I really wanted to try again. I figured I just needed time to adjust. I went online to pass the time and saw my old friend AC on my FB and started talking. I guess I was desperate and I started to tell him what was up. I guess it was a good idea, I felt a lot better telling another person! We had a good time making fun of stuff and I was distracted. I was able to go to sleep at least.

This morning, I was accepting of my doom. Not that I was happy about it, but that I could deal with it because I was prepared. We started off with our "histology" class which is basically taught to us through skype. I know right? It wasn't terrible, but we could not establish a connection to have both video and audio. So we quit the class and would start again at 10am. Then came bchem and the review of the test. Bomb. Yeah, that's a class that I may have to repeat. Then we started Histology part II. Not good. No connection again. Sigh. Well, it wasn't a big deal. I will just have to read everything myself.

Then came anatomy. Score. Big deal. Why? Because my school has it out for my professor. They are trying to get rid of him. And that pisses me off because he is a damn good professor. I don't want to write too much about it though. I want to see what happens before I write anything bad. And I will. Eventually.

So now I have to decide if I want to stay another semester. It's not a bad deal given the circumstances. I feel a little more empowered to stay and get my shit together after talking to some people. I just keep holding on to my goals. Maybe that will help.

:: Jane Dee 3:12:00 PM [+] ::
:: 10.30.2012 ::
I'm On A Roll

Wow! I feel a lot better about myself now.

I did well on my bchem quiz and I am really pumped about everything. I would post another cat oorah, but I think you get the jist.

I just wanted to write that in. I haven't had much time to do anything else, so I just wanted to get that out there for all time, ha ha! Right now, I have to get cracking on physiology so that I can be ready for that test. I hope I can do it!


:: Jane Dee 6:05:00 PM [+] ::
:: 10.16.2012 ::
Can I Go Home Now?

Another day at the lab. I spent a good four hours or so going over all the muscles of the arm and leg, as well as trying to get the nerves straightened out. I think I am okay with that stuff, I just have to go over it. The next step is to do the clinical stuff and nerves for the leg. I think doing that should allow me enough practice for this upcoming anatomy quiz. I really want to do well on it!

Well, wanting to do well and actually doing well are two different things. Because I didn't do so hot on my tests, I have mandatory tutoring for this month. I have three hours on Friday alone! Tomorrow I have tutoring too. I'm not happy that I have to go to these sessions, but I guess if they help that is good. I have to do what I can to do well!!

Anyways, I have to get on with physiology. We have a visiting professor who I guess has been visiting here for over ten years now. I was falling asleep during his lectures, but I think that was because I was so tired.

Her's to another tired night!

:: Jane Dee 6:10:00 PM [+] ::
:: 10.15.2012 ::
Night Lab

I came back from the anatomy lab and I must say that was a good thing! I think I am going to do this frequently. I do have a quiz on Friday so I have to study well for this one. I have to make sure I study the clinical aspects of it all. That is what we are going to be quizzed on.

The only down side is that the last bus back to my apartment is at 8:30pm. The earliest I can get a bus is at 6pm and they came almost 30 minutes late. So I kind of only get two hours max. I think that would be sufficient though. If I did that almost everyday, including the weekends, I should be okay with the work.

Anyway, I have some time before I call TJ up, so I am going to try and finish up the pentose phosphate pathway notes. Luckily, it's a short one!

Oh yeah, this week is going to be murder! We are going to have a TON of physiology this week all starting at 8am and on Thursday, we like, FOUR HOURS of it! You better believe I am going to be chugging that coffee. Better yet, I am going to take my chocolate covered coffee beans with me. I will definitely need it!!!

:: Jane Dee 7:08:00 PM [+] ::
:: 10.14.2012 ::
New Beginnings

This week will be all about fresh starts. I have put away almost everything in my new apartment. I have almost caught up and gone ahead in class. I am actually starting to retain anatomy and bchem!

Anyway, today I am going to make physiology notes and work on anatomy. Then save the best for last (ha ha), bchem. I don't want bchem to take over my life, so I have to make sure I give the other subjects a chance. I was reading through the anatomy last night and I was actually retaining the information. Maybe its because it was so quiet here? In any case, I am glad my brain is starting to work again.

This week, I want to spend some time in the anatomy lab. We supposedly can get the key from professor whenever, so I will try to make an effort to stay in the lab at least one extra day. Staying late last week was really helpful, even though I probably looked like a major butt kisser being the only one left when professor came back. Well, I need all the time I can get! Besides, the bus to my apartment only comes every hour or so, so it pays to stay in lab instead of winding around doing nothing, wondering why I am such a loser.

Some peeps in the lab were interested in my Netter's book, so I said I would check out the online resource. I think I am really going to scratch off the key code! Oh no! I think they are right about it being helpful. I think I am also going to scratch off the codes for bchem as well. The physio I won't because I don't particularly like that book. I ordered a different book for physiology so I am hoping that helps me. I think I will see if I can borrow professor's copy of the fat physio book. Maybe we can barter for beer? I just want to borrow it. Well, I will ask. It's just too big and bulky to ship, and I don't think he needs it right now. We'll see.

Right now, I am cooking up some rice and will get started on physiology. I should also make some food. Something with eggplant. I have some big ones waiting to be cooked and eaten.

Oh yeah I will try to post pictures of the apartment soon. I mean, I haven't even posted the white coat stuff so who knows when I will get to this! Ha ha!

:: Jane Dee 8:16:00 AM [+] ::
:: 10.13.2012 ::
Holy Crap

That took forever!

Looks like I spent a good part of the day figuring out bchem slides. I hate slides! Oh well. I am going to start on anatomy. I should be able to read through the leg chapter in a couple of hours. That is what I really would like to do.

Tomorrow I would like to read most of the chapter and make notes on the heart for physiology. I hear mixed things: a)physiology will get better and b)physiology will get worse. Hmm. Not sure who to believe, but I will take "get worse" for 500. I can't imagine anything going my way at this point.

I talked to TJ last night which was good because I am always feeling up then down. Yesterday I was mostly feeling down and he cheered me up. I kind of feel bad for him. I mean, he is all alone and having to pay my bills, while I just sit around in class all day. Well, I don't just sit around. Anyway, I wish I was home. But then, if I was home, then I wouldn't be in medical school. Strange world.

I am definitely blabbering on because my brain is tired. At least I have tomorrow to look forward to. I can study all day again! Yipee! I think there is supposed to be a power outage too. Well, I guess that is okay. I shouldn't need the internet tomorrow since I am just working out of the books and reviewing (I hope!!)

Okay, time to read about the leg and foot and hip and whatnot!

:: Jane Dee 6:09:00 PM [+] ::
:: 10.12.2012 ::
So Which Is It?

Am I sad? Am I stupid? I can't seem to decide. hmm

So I am up for a fun-filled weekend of studying. There is some symposium tomorrow about trauma where you get to meet-n-greet peeps from the island and see if you can set up some kind of research maybe. I was going to go, but I am not sure I want to make my way back to school for that.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I moved out of my dorm and into my own apartment. I am glad I did, I think I can do better here. The dorm was WAY too noisy and I could never concentrate. I am thinking that could be a source of my inability to study. Well, I guess the next test will show if that is true! At least I have a balcony. Although it's been raining like mad, I still like the view.

I dunno what is wrong with me. TJ thinks I'm just lonely. Yeah, maybe, but I don't feel a need to go hang out with anyone. I think I'm just sad that I can't study the way I used to. I am hoping that changes. I have been studying the way I like to for a few days now, so I hope it helps.

Well, enough blabbering, I have to get bchem stuff done!

:: Jane Dee 5:02:00 PM [+] ::
:: 10.10.2012 ::

I am so mad! I am so mad because I did not do as well as I wanted to on my tests!! BLAARGGHHHHH!!!!!

This is what I get for listening to everyone telling me "not to worry" "don't study on the weekends" "don't make so many notes" "just read the slides" and so forth. NOT ANYMORE! UGHH! I should have just done MY methods from the beginning and I would have been okay. Now look! NOW LOOK!! I have to get 100s in everything! How the hell am I going to do that????

Fine. I will take the hit on this block, but I am hoping that I can change this crap and fast! I don't want to have it where I'm like "well, I guess this is it!" and be defeated because I was trying to be like everyone else.

I just feel like total crap. I can't even eat. This is why I hate school. School and me don't mix. Never have, never will. But I have to try right? I have to "see" because if I don't I will always feel that I gave up too soon. So, I have to make sure that I stay the whole semester at least!!!

My problems don't just stem from academics, it's mostly relationship issues. I realize that this may be too hard without TJ. Sometimes, I feel like a needy crybaby because I can't even think straight without him. But it's true. I have to admit it. I thought that I would be okay leaving him behind but I must say this is awful! I am not sure how people do it, but I am beginning to think that I can't.

Well, enough blabbering, I am supposed to keep up with bchem. We are doing something like one pathway a day. And then I need to read ahead for physiology. We are going into cardiac stuff. And then anatomy! Ha! Anatomy! Why is anatomy starting to scare me??

Okay, here's hoping for the next block!

:: Jane Dee 10:32:00 AM [+] ::
:: 10.09.2012 ::
Waiting For Professors

Right now I am waiting for class to start. I think we are supposed to get our scores back today. I hope I passed everything!!!!

I have also been contemplating moving out of my dorm room. I like the room though. I also like being right next to the school. It really saves time. However, one of my roommates really gets on my nerves. I guess I wont go into detail here, but she is annoying enough that I would like to leave the room. Not to mention that I am always freezing in the dorm. Everyone here likes to make the rooms really cold. TJ and his dad say that I should stay on campus as long as I can, but we will see how much I can stand. I asked about single rooms, and apparently they still have some left. I want to go see them this week. Maybe they are really nice? They are a little far from class though. I'd always have to get up earlier. So if I was cramming, that would cut into my cram time, ha ha.

Well, almost time for class!

:: Jane Dee 5:57:00 AM [+] ::
:: 10.08.2012 ::
D-Day Not So Doomy

Today we were supposed to go over our exams. We actually only went over bchem and anatomy. I think I passed! I'm pretty sure about bchem, but no on anatomy since i don't remember it, hahaha. Well, I'm sure I did okay. It's physiology I'm worried about!

So now that the headache is over, I have to start all over again! Hooray!

This week is going to be light so I am going to read ahead in physio (using a textbook that explains stuff in a good way!!!!) and get started on anatomy. What I learned from anatomy is that the professor says "oh yeah you better know this!!!" and then doesn't even test anything on it! Pfft! Well! Now I know not to listen to him! I'm just going to go from top to bottom and not pay attention to his supposed "hints"!

Okay time to do something else!!

:: Jane Dee 7:44:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.30.2012 ::
Two Minutes Ahead

Technically, I am two minutes ahead in Bchem!

Well, now that I've only gone over things once, I need to go over them about 10,000 times, over and over. Today I have three subjects to start memorizing things from. I have "concepts" down, whatever that means, but I certainly don't have the details. And you really need to know the details!

I was talking to TJ about how ridiculous my anatomy professor at Kingsborough was for saying that the anatomy class we were taking there is the same as you would find in any other school, and the same as you'd find in medical school. All I have to say to that is: NOT EVEN CLOSE!! The stuff we did seems like child's play in comparison. Not that I am not glad that I took it, but I am definitely not going to say that the classes I took for nursing are "similar" because they are not.

I am glad that I took a baby-bootie anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. In fact, I am certain that it has helped me understand, but it is not a replacement. I am also glad that I did well in organic chemistry, because it helps me understand what is going on in bchem. I know a lot of people say that organic is useless, but I have to disagree. So far, I can understand the actions of the enzymes, why they are named that way, and why things are attracted as they are. I know that doesn't help me memorize everything, but it certainly helps me understand.

So today's tasks are going to be trying to commit certain things to memory. I really don't know how that is going to happen but it will involve caffeine. My plan is to start with anatomy. I will write out every muscle and bone we need to "know" and then copy the corresponding pages from my books to test myself. Then, I will write in the clinical relevance of the cases we have learned. For biochemistry, she wanted us to focus on glycolysis and the biochemical reasons for diseases. I will go through my notes and pick out all the diseases we have learned and write out the biochemical basis. I will write out what is normal and what is abnormal. Then I will try to memorize glycolysis (HA HA!) No seriously, I have to memorize it. For physiology, I have to go through my notes and pull out the important parts. I think I will use BRS To help me. Then, I will have to make a drawing of what I am supposed to know, and describe it and what neurotransmitters go where and whatnot. Then, I will have to pull out all of the diseases we went over and why they cause disease from a physiology view (which is the same as biochemistry view kinda). There isn't too much rote memorization in physiology for now, because we don't need to know every neurotransmitter and receptor. But I could be mistaken. I guess we shall see!

So that will be my day. Do I think I will accomplish all of that today? Uh, no. But I will try!

:: Jane Dee 8:06:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.28.2012 ::
Weekend Mayhem

Now that it is the weekend before the first midterm exam, I am scared to death! I am still a bit behind in my biochem, and not as confident in everything else! ARGH!

I was finishing up ordering the rest of the stuff I have been meaning to order since before I came here. I finally got around to ordering a stethoscope, some clothes, and assorted this and that. I did that so I can free my mind from things that might distract me. Now I have nothing to think about!

I also went to my two professors to ask what is going to be on the exam. I think I guessed correctly when I thought the questions were not going to be straight-forward like "what enzyme does this?" It is going to be more like "So and so has transient pain and is of African-American descent. He has blah blah blah... What could....?" and of course the answer is not sickle cell anemia. It's going to be something similar but not that exactly.

Anyway, I am very nervous about the exam. I certainly don't want to do bad. I am hoping that all my efforts will work.

Here's to a weekend that will fly by in a bad way!

:: Jane Dee 1:56:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.18.2012 ::
Quiz #2 Done

Hopefully with a good outcome!

This past week has been difficult for me. I have been feeling anxious and nervous. Sometimes it is because I think I am going to do bad in school, and other times, like today, it's because I think TJ is going to find someone new.

I guess I feel like this because so many people keep saying how bad it is for our marriage that I am going away like this. I know military people do it all the time. Maybe that doesn't apply? Or are they saying that my marriage doesn't look so hot to begin with and one little thing will destroy it? I am not even sure why we would have a problem. Do they think I am going to get "lonely" and go for some guy in my class? Do they think TJ will get "lonely" and go after the first woman that shows him any attention? I am not sure what the problem would actually be. That part confuses me.

I know that certain people can't control themselves when they find themselves infatuated with someone. I never had that problem. In fact, while I was going out with someone who shall remain nameless, I had a crush on someone else for a long time. I actually had opportunities to pursue it and I never did. I even told him I have a boyfriend, sorry. Looking back now I should have went for it, but let's not get into that. The point is that the problem is not liking someone it's why you are acting on it.

I suppose it could be hard to control yourself. I mean, it has to be given how often people do that. I would have to imagine that fantasy is a very powerful thing. I am going to have to assume that for those that do pursue these things it's because they feel that there is something in that other person they are not getting from the one they have now? But what? I mean, if you were really that unhappy, why do people get married? Well, I probably shouldn't be asking these questions. I know people get married for really stupid reasons. I know this because I would have been with someone who totally sucked had I not come to my senses.

But I sit here, still worried that I could lose TJ in a flash. Not because I think I'm ugly or anything, but because people are people. I know that he and I can talk all night about how strong our marriage is and he can still wind up leaving me. It's always a possibility. I have no way of knowing who he is talking to, who he is eating dinner with, who is "listening to his heart," and who is sleeping in my bed with him. There is no way to know. That is what is scary.

Of course, he has the same dilemma. I can be doing all sorts of crazy things here. I laugh because that is so ridiculous to me, but to him, as it is to me, it is possible. In some cases, possibilities make things seem bright and sunny. In other cases, it makes things scary and nauseating. I am experiencing the latter.

So right now, I am trying to distract myself from my anxiety. I am very close to breaking stuff but since it's not my house, I can't break it.

This is going to be a considerable test of trust and outcomes.

:: Jane Dee 11:23:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.08.2012 ::
One Week Down

My first week at Trinity is complete! Hooray!

I'm not going to write much here because I want to try to finish my physiology notes. I should be back in a few hours to write about the duties on my last batch of stuff and other things.

What I can say at the present moment is that I like it here! I haven't felt sad or like killing anyone! All I can hope for is to do well in class, and I will be one happy student.

Since I have too much work to do today, I won't be able to go to Kingstown until next Saturday. Oh well. I wanted to buy some things but I will have to wait. I need to finish my notes and read up on biochemistry before class starts. I am very scared of that class! So no more fooling around!

Anyway, see you in a bit.

:: Jane Dee 7:57:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.01.2012 ::
My Stuff Has Arrived!

And not a moment too soon! I tried to ship my stuff in increments so that it would clear faster since, supposedly, if the shipment is $50 or under, Fedex can clear it. Well, Fedex was too fast! everything came at the same time so I had to go to the airport and get my bags from customs. It wasn't too bad, don't be scared!

Basically, it works like any other country. In SVG, the duties are (way) higher than the US, but that shouldn't deter you from shipping your stuff. It is a great way to bring the things you need without having to do what I do, ha ha. Anyway, the max (and I mean total max) duties is like, 40%. But that won't happen, unless it's like a piano or something. The rate for books like textbooks is 4%. Yeah, that's it! So don't be scared to ship your books. However, you have to put the actual value of the book, not what you paid. So even though I got my books practically for free, I still had to pay duties on the value. But it's only 4% so it's okay.

Personal effects are all of your used items, such as clothes, kitchen stuff, towels, blankets, etc. You can't ship flammable items (perfume), explosives, meat, fruits and veggies, perishables, haz batteries (which can be alkaline batteries depending on the agent, so just bring those in your carry on or checked bag), and some other items. Check it out here, at Fedex.com.

Personal effects are to be written as having a value of $1 each. The commercial invoice should be very descriptive. Ex: 1 pair ladies jeans 100% cotton used china $1 each $1 total. Ex: 1 ladies button up shirt 50% polyester/50%cotton used Thailand $1 each $1 total. Ex: 3 ladies slacks 100% polyester used China $1 each $3 total. I don't think I was charged duties on my personal effects, but if I was, it was a very small amount.

The process works like this: You ship your Fedex, or DHL, or Liat Quikpak, or whatever it is. If the shipping company can't clear it, the shipping company delivers the manifest (shipping label) and the commercial invoice to YOU (or in my case, to the school). Then, you take the bus (what people call the Reggae bus, but what I would think is better named as the Soca Bus since they really only play Soca music) to the airport (here it is E.T. Joshua Airport, just tell the bus driver to stop when you see it) and tell the guy/gal at the podium thing you are here to pick up your stuff and show him the manifest and commercial invoice(s). Then you walk into the "restricted area" to the left and go to someone and tell the you are here to pick up your stuff. They will take your manifests and put your stuff on the customs desk. Then the customs person comes out and asks you to open up all your stuff and they will check it. Then they tell you to put it all back, and they go and calculate the duties. I only paid $50 EC, so it wasn't bad! However, next week, I have a memory card coming in and some items that are "new" so I will tell you what the duties came out to on those.

Then someone can help you take your stuff out, then you get a cab. If you get a real cab, he should charge you $30 EC to get to Trinity. I gave him a $3 EC tip. Not bad!

Some words of advice: Make sure you check what the Liat schedule is! If you go there when the plane lands, you are not allowed in to get your stuff. You must wait until the whole plane deplanes. I only got lucky today. As soon as I got outside, the customs guy locked the door. Another woman came by to get her packages and she was not allowed in. Then Liat flew in. And she was still there after I left, which was about 30 minutes later. So just make sure you go in between landings and you will be out quick.

Other than that, I have been enjoying my things! My white coat is really cool looking since it is all embroidered. The "bookstore" offered free scrubs if you ordered a certain amount so I took advantage of that offer. However, the scrubs were supposed to be screen printed with the logo. Mine came embroidered!! At first I thought they screwed up and sent me the wrong thing, but nope, my embroidered scrubs were there! Wow! I got a free pair of EMBROIDERED scrubs! Thanks "bookstore"!

I am also trying to tweak my mobile plans to get the best deal on talking and texting. So far, I think adding the international texting plan with Sprint and me getting the mega text plan should work. I'm am going to ask Lime tomorrow if incoming international calls are free, because as far as I can see, incoming international texts are free. Their website says incoming calls are free, but I want to make sure. Once that is set up, I can relax! I'm pretty relaxed now, but I will feel even better.

Well, I better get back to unpacking all of my stuff. I have a lot to put away. Especially all of my clothes that don't have hangers. For now. They are coming!

:: Jane Dee 5:42:00 PM [+] ::
:: 8.30.2012 ::
I Am Here!!

Well, that was a doozy!!

Seems the last time I was on here, I was filling out my loan stuff! Now here I am, thousands of miles away on St. Vincent ready to start!

Anyway, I know I was going to post the specs of the loan, so here is the rundown: Trinity offers two types of loans. They are both private loans, no government loans. The first is offered through SLFC, or Student Loan Finance Corporation. They have the best offer out of the two but you need a credit score of at least 670. You don't need a cosigner if you have that credit score. They only charge origination fees as a percentage of the total loan, about 6% or so. The interest rate starts at 9.25% and can change with the market, thus making it a variable interest loan. There is some risk involved in a variable loan. Just think back to the early 80s when interest rates were in the teens. Yup. Anyway, this loans "caps" (laugh) at 18%. So, even if the market goes to 21%, you only pay 18%. Yippee!! This loan maxes out at about 250k. You have to pay a minimum of $100 a month no matter what and the real payments can be deferred until you finish residency. Of course, by then, you will be in much debt. But cheer up! You're a DOCTOR!

The other loan is offered through EdInvest. I didn't sign up for that one!! It charges many fees, including $5,000 (yes you read that correctly) EACH TERM. Why? Because you must apply for this loan EACH TERM. The other loan lasts for three semesters. You don't need to make minimum payments, but you get waaaaaay less in cash for yourself because you have to pay all those fees. So make sure you have someone at home that can fill your account with some cash. And you need a credit score of about 650 I think. So if you don't have a job but you have decent credit, you will have to get this loan. Sorry! Well, the interest rate is a little lower at about 8.75%, but that doesn't counteract the fees. It's just a pretty bad loan, but it's there if you need it. The max is higher at about $300k, but with all those fees, you will be in debt for about $600k!!!!! OUCH!!!!! Good luck!

So my trip here was long, as anticipated, since I was going to have my slumber party at GAIA, the airport in Barbados. Some bellhop guy tried to get me to buy him some duty free vodka, and I refused. WTF do I look like? Anyway, he was mad so I had to carry my own bags as they do not have "smarte carts" there like other airports. Whatever! I'm not getting arrested for your stupid ass. So I passed through customs, smiling at the mean-faced agent, who quickly turned nice when she saw someone she knew. That was good for me because she said "You're going to St. Vincent?" and I said "yes, I am a student there." and she said "Okay", and waved me through so she could talk to that woman. I was glad because I was worried they would tax me on all the chocolate I brought in. So I made my way to the water fountain to fill my bottle then went to my usual seat by the 110v plug. They only have two at GAIA, so I go to the one by the picnic table. It's not too bad if you stay overnight. Just make sure you wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt because the mosquitoes will get you! This time they bit my knee and my hand. Not too bad. The main problem is the internet is very spotty. The first time I got there, I had no connection. The second time, I had a good connection. This time, it was off and on. Well, I do have Bejeweled on my computer so I have something to pass the time.

The other good thing about GAIA is that the receptions start to open at 4:30am. Liat opens closer to 5:00am. I get in line around 4:45 and I am never first! Well, it went smooth enough. I had two checked bags and two carry-ons. I asked the guy if I could take the printer as my second carry-on and he said yes! I was soooooo happy cuz I was scared they would say no. Well, I had a tiny laptop roller bag as my other carry-on, so maybe that is why he was okay with it. Since I had the less crowded flight, I was sure that I would get all my bags when I arrived. Since I had two checked bags, one is "Excess" and rides as a standby. I have heard some stories about Liat and their treatment of bags, but mine came in with me. So maybe that is the way to do it. If you take the full flight, your stuff won't make it? Well, I hope my luck doesn't run out!

I made it to St. Vincent in one piece, although I slept through the whole flight because I was so tired. I didn't sleep well before I left, maybe two hours, then I didn't sleep at all in Barbados. When I cam in, I unpacked, met my roommate and went to bed by 5:30pm. I didn't get out of bed until 9:00am the next day.

I met one of my roommates. I will have two. She is nice... so far, ha ha! Anyway, She gave me some of her veggies to eat yesterday which was nice. Today, we went into town to get her an x-ray for her hand and so I can set up my phone! I am so excited I have a real phone to call home now! Not like at AUC! Oh Lord, I was so annoyed. So yes, I have a cool GSM phone and service! Yay!!

I am really happy that I am here! I am very comfortable here, and I think that will go a long way in how well I can do here. This time, I will stick it out for one whole semester. And if it goes well, I will go on. If it doesn't, then I will call it quits. So no worries!

Tomorrow we go into Kingstown. I was going to go by myself, but hey you can't beat a free ride. So I will go with everyone. It will give me a chance to see what's up with my Fedex stuff. I hope I can get my white coat in time! I think I will! Anyway, I wanted to go back so I can exchange my money and buy some stuff to send home.

Even though it's midnight here, I am still on Arizona time, so it's only 9. Maybe I should try to go to bed? I don't know. I do know that I am going to sign off! Goodnight!

:: Jane Dee 9:40:00 PM [+] ::
:: 8.02.2012 ::

Hooray! I was approved for the loan!

I know I said I would post the two types of loans, but today I am super busy. I will post them tomorrow or later today if I have time. I have too many chores!

But I am excited that I was approved. The only issue I have now is the letters of recommendation. Only one came in so far! I need one more. I emailed the school to ask how it will work if the letters don't come in on time. They should, but I can say definitely yes. I just need one more to come in, but three more were supposed to. They have been kinda slow uploading the letters to my file, so some may have arrived. I am also waiting on the KCC transcript. They took forever last time. I hope it comes in! Otherwise, I may have to go there and get one!!! UGHHH!

Well, I better get moving on everything. I am going to be super tired today!

:: Jane Dee 5:41:00 AM [+] ::
:: 7.25.2012 ::

I just spent the last six hours working on my loan application. AARGGHH!!

Well, I'm glad it's done. Now I just have to wait for approval. I will post the details of the loans at Trinity when I get approved. But for now, they only offer private loans that have adjustable rates. So you need very good credit. Or find someone who does. They have two options, and one of them is EdInvest. They charge, literally, an arm and a leg. EdInvest charges about $65k in fees on a $250k loan. OUCH! So you better read every letter of the agreements (that's why it took me six hours) and make sure you really want to incur this debt.

So if you wind up in Carib school like me, just remember how expensive it is. And if you think that sticking it out is the right answer, think again. There are a million things you can do in life that do not cost as much. Remember this kitty:

Because I am not getting any younger, this is my last attempt at medical school. If it goes well, great! If not, well, I will cut my losses and work on something else. Cheers!

:: Jane Dee 10:50:00 AM [+] ::
:: 7.23.2012 ::

So I have finished alerting my recommenders about writing letters to Trinity. Now I just have to hope they get them in time. I also called AUC and they supposedly sent my transcript to Trinity. I hope so! That one would have took the longest. I am almost set for a decision!

I also got an email about the loans. It seems like one loan is cheaper, but requires monthly payments of at least $100, and the other one is more expensive, but you don't make any payments while in school. I assume that since I have someone who makes an income, I would take the cheaper loan! I have to wait for the link to the webpage to apply. I am sure I will get the cheaper loan. Well, I hope I will!

I guess once I am "accepted" I will start buying the books and supplies. No sense buying them now. I think this time, I am going to get some anatomy flash cards. Those looked really handy!

Today I am going to see if my anatomy book is any good. While I visited, I went to anatomy lab and got a worksheet. I am going to see if my book would be useful. If it is, maybe I can bring that one? I do like the books they recommend however, so I think I would buy the main one they suggest. I think only one person was using Netters in the lab so I am not sure if I want to keep that book or not. It just didn't click with me. Maybe I don't like drawings? I dunno.

My biochem book is totally outdated. I can't use that. I have a molecular biology book, but this school leans towards biochem, so that book won't be as useful. I may just sell it or something. It's a "classic" but not too much modern information in it.

Other than that, I am pretty much set for school. I bought all the odds and ends I think I would need to go there. It helps that the apartments they offer are fully furnished meaning they come with pots and pans and knives and such. That helps out tremendously! It was a pain shipping all those kitchen supplies to AUC. I wish the apartments there were fully equipped, but I guess not everything can be perfect.

So that's the agenda for today. Oh and finishing the laundry. And making bread. Yeah, I need to make a loaf of bread.

:: Jane Dee 9:37:00 AM [+] ::
:: 7.19.2012 ::

So with the intent that I will be going to Trinity in September, I have been buying the things I need to live there. I have also been organizing my stuff into "haz", "liquids", and "high value" so I can see if I need to check a bag in. It seems that I will have to. I just have too many liquids that I'd rather not ship. I will just have to check in a full sized suitcase and leave my rolling briefcase for next time.

I seem to have almost everything I need at this point except the phones. I will buy those soon. I learned my lesson in St. Maarten that Nextel phones are NOT GSM phones even though they use sim cards. They are iDEN phones or something like that, which are of no use to 99% of the world. Great. When I upgrade my phone, Im not getting a Nextel phone. I don't work at Fedex anymore, and on top of that, they don't even use Nextel anymore. I think I am the only person left using Nextel. The only problem with upgrading my phone is that I will have to renew my contract if I want to get a "free" phone. I am not sure if I want to do that yet. But it doesn't matter because any phone I choose will be useless in the Caribbean. So I guess I have time to think about it.

I requested my transcript from AUC but they didn't get back to my email saying they got the request. I guess I should call them? Maybe. They supposedly take up to a month to send out transcripts so I hope they don't take the whole 4 weeks.

I also have to send out requests for my letters. I have to get back to my manager with the information. I should do that today. I also want to go over the book list for Trinity and see if I should order them and ship them or order them from the bookstore. Hmm.

Anyways, I am behind in what I need to do, so off I go!

:: Jane Dee 8:34:00 AM [+] ::
:: 7.16.2012 ::
What A Great Weekend!

These last few weeks have been particularly annoying for me. First, I still hadn't gotten my Netter's book back from the Post Office. Second, I couldn't reach any of my professors to write me a recommendation letter. Third, I was running out of time to finish my application to Trinity to make it for September.

Well, Friday the 13th turned out to be a great day! I received responses from two of my letter writers! They agreed to write me new letters! Hoo-ray! I felt like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders!

Then the Saturday after, the 14th, I had more great news! I got a call back from math professor and he agreed to write me a letter too! I was so worried that I wouldn't catch him in time before he left for his break. I am going to send him the information today and he should be able to send it out before he goes on his break! Yeah!

Then yesterday, I check my mailbox, expecting nothing but junk, and I see this large package in there. Could it be? IT WAS MY NETTER'S BOOK! THEY FOUND IT! Two days prior, I was thinking that the 90 days was coming to a close and that I was never going to see that book again. WELL! I am so relived to have that book back! Not that I want to use it, I just want to sell it! This time however, I am going to use the online code for myself. And I am NOT going to use the notorious BROWN WRAPPING PAPER to ship it! It seems like brown paper is the bane of all book shipments. So note to self: DO NOT USE BROWN PAPER EVER AGAIN. Okay I got it.

So my application to Trinity is almost complete. I even ordered my AUC transcript. Cost me $30 AND it takes a month! Sheesh! Well, at least I won't have to deal with them for a while. The only thing I have left is to get all of my letters in and then my physical exam. I have one physical exam available on my insurance so I can use that to get that done. I want to see if my old Russian doctor is available, I don't like that stupid doctor in Phoenix. What a pain in the arse.

So today, I am mostly trying to finish up buying the things I will need to go to Trinity. I am almost done, I just need to buy some plug adapters and some things. Then I have to see what I can bring with me on the plane and whatnot. That is probably going to cause me the most trouble. Oh yeah and I have to buy bleach.

:: Jane Dee 9:42:00 AM [+] ::
:: 7.06.2012 ::
Now They Tell Me

So I finally got the news from Meharry. It seems a gentle rejection. I think they could have told me this months ago. Maybe they think if they reject people, the applicants will kill themselves. Or maybe shoot at the school? In any case, here is the final email:

Dear Student:

Thank you for your interest in the School of Medicine at Meharry Medical College. The demand for admission into the School of Medicine far exceeds the available positions. Please know that every possible consideration was given to your application.

I am writing to report that all candidates have been selected for the 2012 entering class.

Therefore, it is my responsibility to inform you that as of this date, your application will no longer be considered for the 2012 entering class.

If attaining the requisite training to enter the medical profession is still your goal (as I hope it is), I suggest that you schedule a meeting with your pre-medical advisor to discuss methods you may employ to improve you academic profile and strengthen your medical school application. If you decide to reapply to the School of Medicine at Meharry Medical College, understand that you must submit a new application with all required supportive documents as requested, inclusive of any new course work and new MCAT scores. Additionally, this new application will be evaluated and compared to other applicants making application for the class.

It is my hope, however, that you view this information as a hurdle that must be negotiated as you travel down the road toward the fulfillment of your dream to become a physician. Work hard to make your dream a reality. Best wishes.


Karen A. Lewis, M.S., Associate Vice President

Student Services and Enrollment Management

Meharry Medical College

And there you have it.

So as my quest for American medical school comes to a close, I will celebrate with song. Particularly this one:

The Bar-kays - Freakshow On The Dancefloor.1984 from DOGGYRAY on Vimeo.

Ohhh ohh ohh ohh, whoa whoa ohhh, whoa ohh ohh, shake your body!

:: Jane Dee 7:18:00 PM [+] ::
:: 6.27.2012 ::
Thanks For Telling Me, Jerks

I just got off the phone with Meharry Admissions. Apparently the class is full. Well, thanks for telling me! I asked them for some kind of official rejection, and they said they will mail out "written communications" within a week. Right. If I don't get a rejection, I will call them until I do. I paid enough money to apply and go there to interview that the least they can do is send a letter.

Well, in any case, I am officially done with American medical schools. I had already come back from my visit to St. Vincent and I must say that Trinity School of Medicine is an excellent school. I am definitely going to apply there and if all goes well, I will matriculate there. I will post the pictures and video of my trip in a bit. I am working on it now.

I am excited about attending Trinity though. I was not expecting much when I went there, but my mind was quickly changed. I also had my admissions interview there and that went well. I sat in on all kinds of classes and the professors are very good. Yes, they speak excellent English. I also saw the anatomy lab, and it was tiny, but functional. I also went on the clinical day and saw a live c-section! I was amazed at the opportunities available at this tiny school. So, I am going to apply. The only thing that will keep me from not going there is a last minutes acceptance from somewhere, which is not going to happen.

The island itself is also nice. It is an active volcano so the soil is rich. A lot of things grow there. I bought so many fruits I didn't know what to do with them! There is plenty of fish, chicken, beef, and goat to eat, as well as all kinds of vegetables. I did not go hungry. The only thing is that processed foods are expensive. Which is good for me, but maybe bad for someone who doesn't cook often.

This trip worked out well for me and I was glad I went because I wouldn't have gave this school a chance. The people at the school, the hospital, and the island were very friendly and I was very comfortable there. Now I just have to finish my application and see what happens next. Yippee!

:: Jane Dee 8:52:00 AM [+] ::
:: 6.08.2012 ::
Score Report

My score report came in! My scores are: 35V(74%), 34Q(36%), 6.0(91%)AWA, Total 570(54%)

Well, at least I got a perfect essay score!

I was looking at the info on Businessweek for ASU full time and I am just shy of the middle 80%. I wonder if this MD school doesn't work out, if I should apply to the full time program anyway. Hm. I guess I will know in a couple of weeks!

I leave for Trinity soon. I am going to check out that school from top to bottom. I even have an admissions interview when I get there. That is good for me so I don't have to do it over the phone. Or go to Atlanta. The only problem is what to pack. I think Liat has some restrictions on what you can bring as a carry on, so I may have to check my bag in. I'm going to look at their website again and what is the best way to pack.

I was kind of mad yesterday because of this whole med school thing. What a stupid thing. I'm still waiting for my rejection from Meharry. They have seven days left to tell me. I am sure they will wait for the last minute to tell me. I wasn't on their "priority" list so I don't think I will be accepted. Either way, I was annoyed about the whole application process, and for going to AUC without visiting and getting to know the school. Then I was thinking about Trinity and wondering if this was going to be a huge waste of time. But I guess I will see. I'm going to spend a week there so I should have all the answers I am looking for. I am really hoping this school is good.

But I am also glad that I have options. I know that I can do the MBA if this doesn't work out and I am happy with that. I mean, that was the original idea. I am also glad that I would be able to do supply chain part time at ASU. They didn't offer that a few years ago, so I am really excited that is an option now. Even though I was mad yesterday, I know that I have a good set of options ahead of me. And that makes me feel better.

Today, I have to go buy some stuff. A new hose (it broke somehow...?) and something else that I can't remember. I did buy all the groceries, I think. Oh yeah soap. I need to buy some soap. I better write this down before I forget again! Anyway, I guess that is all I have to do today. The rest of the day I will figure out what to pack and how much it weighs I guess.

Okay time for something else!

:: Jane Dee 6:41:00 AM [+] ::
:: 6.05.2012 ::

I posted my collection of GMAT essays on the sidebar. It's in pdf format. Take a gander!

Oh yeah, my deposit is safe an secure in my bank account! HA HA! I WIN!

Now I just have to get my Netter's book back....

Well, I'm off to do fun stuff! See ya!

:: Jane Dee 6:56:00 AM [+] ::
:: 6.02.2012 ::


:: Jane Dee 2:42:00 PM [+] ::
:: 5.31.2012 ::
Sweet Freedom

My first day free from test stuff! Yeah! I feel like it's 2008!

Anyway, now that I have some free time, I am going to do all the stuff I have been putting off: painting the house, fixing the roof, cleaning my desk (ha ha), preparing for med or b school (hopefully both!), etc. Today I think I will go shopping. I probably won't buy much, or anything, but it will be nice to do something other than exponents, correcting sentences, and explaining why the CEO of Super Corp. doesn't make very good arguments.

Speaking of arguments, I have saved almost all of my GMAT essays. I am going to put them in a word file and post them under my "Things to download" link on the sidebar. There are a few that I wasn't able to post on my blog, so you should be able to read them there. I will do that later though!

You know what else? I was supposed to get money back from Sallie Mae, and I never got it! WTF. I have to call them. I want my damn money!!

Okay, time to party!

:: Jane Dee 8:06:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.30.2012 ::
And The Score Is.........


No wait, I meant 570! Ha ha!

Not the score you need for HBS, but it makes the cut for ASU and some other assorted schools. I am just happy it's over!


:: Jane Dee 8:51:00 PM [+] ::
Two Hours Away!!

IEE!! My test is in less than two hours!! I am nervous and excited at the same time! I really hope I get 550+. That would be awesome. I will post my unofficial scores when I'm back!!

:: Jane Dee 10:06:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.29.2012 ::
Same 'Ol Score!

Wow! If I don't get a 550 tomorrow, I will be shocked. Anyway, I finished all the problems in the new GMAT Prep software and score the same as in the old Prep software.

So because I have been so consistent in scoring, here is my new list of the five schools you get to send your scores to for free: ASU-Evening (#1 choice for both directions), ASU-Online, Rutgers Part-Time, UA, Quinnipiac-Online. I would send it to ASU-Traditional, but with 550-ish scores, I don't think I'd get in. If they solicit me, maybe.

Well, that's it! This time tomorrow, I will be entrance test free for life!!!! HURRAAHHH!!!

:: Jane Dee 5:11:00 PM [+] ::
GMAT Soon!

Tomorrow I take my GMAT! Yeah! I am SOOOOO glad this grad school test taking nonsense will be over soon! I can't wait! I have been getting at least 550 on all of the tests except the Princeton ones, so I think I will get at least 550.

Of course, I haven't gotten my money back from GEBE> Now they are trying to blame me. What assholes. Now I KNOW this is a scam. GEBE and the bank are in cahoots. GEBE requests a transfer from Windward with incorrect numbers, Windward puts in the transfer with the incorrect numbers, and they get their money back eventually. If someone complains, GEBE requests another transfer with the correct numbers, but Windward doesn't do the transfer. Very simple. And there ain't shit I can do about it. Well, we'll see. Did I mention how much I hate St. Maarten? Yes? Well, I guess I will let you know again.

:: Jane Dee 6:16:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.28.2012 ::
Practice Test!

I am about to take the final official GMAT practice test! I hope I get my 550+. I will post the results soon...

Average again!

Well, I think average is good enough to get me into online ASU or any 'ol program with the MD. It's not earth shattering, but I'll take it!

:: Jane Dee 1:27:00 PM [+] ::
:: 5.25.2012 ::
Not Too Shabby

Well, I didn't do as bad as I thought I would on the difficult questions! I got more than half right, which should get me past 550. That is really all I am looking for. Of all the quant questions, I got a 73%. Is that good? I don't know. I hope it gets me closer to 600 though. If I can break 600, I am set in both directions: med school and no med school. However, I'm not banking on a super score, just a good enough one.

The interesting thing I noticed was that I must do the questions as fast as I can. If I get the answer on my own, I have to mark it and move on. If I don't get it, I give it one more try, then guess. That is how I did all of the questions. On the difficult section, I missed the last two questions. I did fall asleep a bit during the quiz though. I have to stop doing that!!! I also spent about four minutes on a single question and I had to force myself to move on! I think they do this on purpose. They know a lot of people taking this test like to finish math problems so they add in some weird problems that will make you want to finish. Well, I have more practice problems to do, then some tests left. I have been saving real GMAT test #2. I will take that on Sunday or Monday. I also have other practice tests, but I am not sure if I will do all of them. I will probably take the Kaplan one online and a Barron's one. Not sure about the Princeton ones. We'll see. I don't want to burn myself out right before the test!

Anyway, I becoming more and more excited to take the test! I know that when I see a decent score, I will be done! I am so glad the GMAT gives you a preliminary score, not like the stupid MCAT where you have to wait a month to see what you got. This way, if I do bad, I can reschedule appropriately and not dwell on it forever. I think the MCAT makers like to torture people. They can easily give you a preliminary score, but would rather you burn for a month.

Alright, enough of this! It's time for quant... oh wait I have to water the plants first...

:: Jane Dee 6:32:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.24.2012 ::
Counting The Days

I am pretty excited that I am going to be done with all of my entrance exams in one week. No more after this! Well, unless I totally screw up the GMAT, but I'd have to get a pretty low score. I am also excited that I can finally move on with my life.

Despite my mishap at AUC, I am still on track for my goals. If this new school works out, I wouldn't have missed a beat. Just a lot of money ha ha! Anyway, I try not to think about that too much, since I STILL haven't gotten back my GEBE refund! I also didn't get my anatomy book back. If these two things don't work out, that's another $300 I'm out. Live and learn. Or is it live and keep getting burned?

In better news, my cat is doing much better. She didn't kill anyone at her last vet visit and all of her tests were normal. I still have to watch her for a week, but she has been getting back to her old routines. That makes me feel better. She has been eating, drinking and playing just like she used to.

So today is going to be another fun-filled day of Quant review. I did well on the medium difficulty questions yesterday. I finished all of the problems with time to spare. I only didn't know two questions, the rest of the ones I got wrong because of a mechanical error. I was trying to move as fast as I could, so I guess I messed up some numbers. Today I am going to finish off the medium to difficult questions and see how that goes. So far, I got 97% of the easy questions and 87% of the medium questions. What that translates into, I have no idea, but I am definitely doing better. Oh and I also know that I need A LOT of coffee to power through these sessions. I will make some strong coffee on test day.

I am excited that my testing schedule is going to be over soon. I am so anxious to fix the garden and paint the house and do some other projects that I have been putting off. When this test is over, I should celebrate!

Hopefully, this happy spirit will get me through today's quant practice!

:: Jane Dee 4:45:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.23.2012 ::
One Week To The GMAT!

Ha! I almost wrote "MCAT" in the title! Ohhh no, I am so done with that test!

So I decided that I am not going to bother with the Princeton review tests. The three brands that are close together are GMAT official prep, Kaplan, and Barron's. I will only use the Princeton Review to practice pacing if I have the time. Since I only have a week left, I am going to finish my OG Quant book, and then do some more practice tests. I did one section of the quant book yesterday and I seem to get almost all of the easy questions right, and I didn't go over the two minute timer. Well, I'm going to see how many medium questions I get right today. I'm going to go over my notes first though. I will see if that helps.

I tried the new GMAT practice test questions and I seem to do pretty good on the medium difficulty integrated reasoning questions. I didn't get to the hard questions, but I am thinking if I don't do as well as I need to, I might try my hand at the new test. Hopefully, I won't have to, but I need to make alternative plans in case this next school doesn't look good.

I am pretty excited that I am going to visit Trinity next month. I am seriously hoping that this school fits me better. I guess I will see. They offered me an interview, so I opted to do it on the St. Vincent campus. I hope it works out for this school. But I guess my back-up plan isn't too bad either.

Okay back to quant.

:: Jane Dee 7:23:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.22.2012 ::
My Bad Weekend

Well this weekend sucked! First, my bird, who was 14 years old, died. He had liver problems and he was starting to go downhill fast. Well, I went out to buy charcoal for his cremation and when I came back, I was fixing the plants in one of my rooms. I had a lily whose flowers had dried, so I took off those petals and was trimming a hibiscus. I put the lily petals in the trash and put them up high hoping my cat wouldn't get to it in the one minute I'd need to put the plants back into the room. Well, one minute is too long because she pulled the petals out of the trash and was pawing and mouthing the petals and the pollen. I remember reading lilies are bad for cats (even though they are edible for humans) so I went online just to make sure. I did this because my cat ate poinsettias once, and I got all scared, looked it up and found that they aren't that bad. So this time, I figured it would be like poinsettia. Nope.


That's right. Every website I read said the same things: DEADLY, TOXIC, POISON, and worst of all, FATAL. 100% FATAL. I ran out to get some charcoal and ipecac to make her throw up. Well, they don't sell ipecac anywhere! Okay, so I gave her loads of grass (which usually makes her vomit) and nothing. So TJ gave her a bunch of catnip and food (which also has a vomit history) and nothing. So I read some tips online about salt in the throat. Nothing. Then I read about peroxide. Nothing except growling. So now, we are getting close to the two hour mark and no throwing up so I give her charcoal and call the vet. I took her in and had to keep her there for 48 hours. She got forced diuresis and was observed. Cost me a pretty penny too. She just came home last night and I have to take her in today for another kidney test. I also have to monitor her for a week.

I was so scared and was crying because I had no freakin' idea about the lilies being so poisonous. I had brought in cut lilies from my garden and left them in a vase for days on end in a place she can get to. I had this same lily she was pawing at out on the counter for days. She could have easily ate it then, and died three days later and I wouldn't have known what happened. TJ was annoyed that there are no poison stickers on plants sold to take home with pets that are as deadly as this one. I think he has a point. I wish there was a warning on the lilies if they are to be sold for personal use. I'm not saying all plants that are toxic, but at least the extremely deadly ones like lilies.

But she is looking good now, and she seems annoyed at me. I don't think she is going to like going back to the vet today! Oh well. I just want her better!

And of course, I now have to look up each and every plant that I bring home from now on.

:: Jane Dee 5:44:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.18.2012 ::
No Miracle

It's been ten days and no refund from GEBE. Actually, it's Windward bank. I called all the banks involved and no transfer was even sent. Nice. Did I mention how much I dislike ST. Maarten? Yes, I probably have done that already.

AAAARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! This Caribbean nightmare doesn't end!!!!!!

:: Jane Dee 6:37:00 AM [+] ::
:: 5.17.2012 ::
Princeton GMAT Practice Test: SUCK

Okay I am not sure if this is on purpose or what. I have been getting at least 550s on the real GMAT prep tests, and at least 550s on Kaplan GMAT test preps. So today I take a crack at Princeton's prep tests and well, I can't even tell you the score!

I seriously hope that the real GMAT prep tests are telling me the right thing. If not, I am totally screwed.

At least I have been getting really good at the essays. But I knew that wasn't going to be a problem. Here is one from OG:

The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum:

"On average, 9 out of every 1000 passengers who traveled on Avai Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia's passengers."


According to Avia Airlines, only 9 out of 1000 passengers filed a complaint about their baggage-handling procedures. Avia Airlines then concludes that because only about one percent of its customers are unhappy, Avia Airlines has no reason to review and change policies regarding baggage-handling. This conclusion is not sound for a few reasons.

The first reason Avia Airlines should not conclude that its policies are good enough is that they are only looking at reported complaints. Perhaps if they conducted a survey of more passengers and what the passengers felt about Avia's baggage handling procedures, Avia would have more than one percent of dissatisfied customers.

The second reason this conclusion is not sound is because Avia is basing how they run and review policy in a reactionary manner instead of a proactive manner. Reported complaints are most likely from customers that have either totally damaged or lost bags. Who knows how many bags are damaged by Avia on a regular basis. The customer may not report it, but they may tell their friends and family, and that may cause a drop in Avia's customer base. Since Avia stated that one of their goals is to maintain their customer base, baggage handling should be a top priority.

The third reason is that since Avia will only change policy only after more customers are dissatisfied, they will not reach their goal of increasing thier customer base. Concluding that policy doesn't have to change until some number of customers are dissatisfied will result in the same number of mishandled bags, but with fewer customers. This will cause a change in policy, but only after AVia's customer base has diminished. How will they get their customers back? Avia will either have to spend a lot of money on advertsing their new improved baggage handling or offer lower fares. Both of these costly fixes could be avoided if Avia took the time to review their baggage procedures before it was too late.

Although it is a good idea for Avia Airlines to review thier complaints and try to figure out how satisfied their customers are, it is not a good idea to make conclusions based on a few statistics. If Avia Airlines wished to keep and increase their customer base, they will have to conduct widespread surveys to see how many customers are dissatisfied with their baggage handling. Avia will also have to implement policies in a proactive manner, before any dissatisfied customers tell their friends and family how bad Avia'a baggage handling really is.


Well, I need a break. I will post more later!

:: Jane Dee 2:00:00 PM [+] ::
:: 5.14.2012 ::
Unranked B-School, Here I Come!

Another average score! I can't take it anymore! I officially hate the GMAT!

All I can say is that I seriously hope I fall in love with Trinity, do well, get the MD, and only have to do online MBA in health management. If not, I have to hope ASU takes me into supply chain management!!!!! I am more than sure I will not be getting into any full time MBA program. UGH!! Crackers!!!

In other news, I haven't got the GEBE refund yet. I will tell them if I don't! I seriously hope they like my annoying emails! I also haven't gotten my Netter's book back yet. I really hope that shows up. I will sell it again! HA!

Now I nothing else to say. I am annoyed. As usual when it pertains to school stuff.

:: Jane Dee 12:49:00 PM [+] ::
:: 5.07.2012 ::
Is This A Miracle?

Could it be true? After three plus months of phone calls and emails, will I finally be getting my GEBE refund? Today I tried to call Windward Bank myself, and the number they post on their website doesn't work! I thought for sure this whole outfit was a scam and I will never see that money again. Well, later today I got an email from GEBE that said they DID get the money back from the bank and are in the process of making a new wire transfer. HOORAY! Well, let's not get too excited over nothing. I will believe it when I see it! I am counting the days.

In other news, my book has been confirmed lost. That Netter's book is cursed! I got a letter from the Mail Recovery Center in North Carolina saying that they found the wrapper, but if I want to find the book, I have to fill out a form and send it to the Dead Parcel Branch in Atlanta. Well, after speaking to the consumer affairs woman, she said it can take a month to get my book if they find it. Oh boy! I can't wait to get that stupid book back!

In some good/exciting news, I FINALLY booked my flights to St. Vincent! So I am excited to see the school and see what it is all about. I hope it turns out well. I will definitely post pictures!

Well, even though today was a wash for GMAT studies, I am happy that the main stressors have been resolved, or at least are now moving in the right direction. I am really glad to hear about my GEBE deposit! I think I will jump for joy when I finally get that deposit back. Tomorrow, I know I will be able to study in peace and I should be ready to start studying harder for the GMAT.


:: Jane Dee 2:16:00 PM [+] ::
:: 5.03.2012 ::
To Book, Or Not To Book? That Is The Question

And it has nothing to do with the GMAT! In fact I have been figuring out how to get to Trinity for hours. I am very close to booking everything thankfully. It seems that it will cost me about $1290 for air and hotel. That doesn't include food! Yikes! I can see why the school will reimburse you. I told TJ that maybe we should take it easy this year on our vacation and try not to spend as much since I am spending a lot. Then you have to factor in supplies I will need to buy for school and deposits if I wind up going there. Plus another airfare. Which will cost more than what I am paying! About $200 more.

Of course I am also contemplating not visiting and just going there. Which is a terrible idea, I know. Sometimes when I look at the cost of things I go berserk! Anyway, going there sight unseen is not an option. So the next idea is when to start. At first I was gung-ho about starting in August. After looking at prices and how much money I will be spending (again), I am giving that a second thought. I was thinking about working a little to save some money but then I think, why? How much could I possibly make in a few months that would override the supposed savings of starting later? The only real savings come if I start in May. The other good thing about May is the extra tiny class. Is that a good thing? I don't know. It's not like the September class is super huge either. It's a lot to think about!

And of course this is cutting into my GMAT studies! I haven't studied well for a couple of days because all I can think about is "to book, or not to book?" At least I narrowed it down to three possibilities. I will wait for TJ to help me make the final decision. Of course, he always works late when I need his help, ha ha! Such is life.

So I think I am going to take a break. Maybe trim the flowers. I have been at this computer for hours! I did eat so at least that. I hope that I can make a good decision soon.

:: Jane Dee 1:15:00 PM [+] ::
:: 5.02.2012 ::
Only One Left!

I can't wait to be free from this med-school purgatory! Now that I have one school left (not holding my breath), I can finally start to really focus on the next steps. What those are, I am not too sure.

It is May now and I guess that means I can start my DO applications. The problem is that I don't really want to. I am not sure if it would be worth it. I am not sure if I'd even have a chance since I went to Caribbean school. Something is telling me that I would be wasting my time. I kinda want to apply to the DO in Texas, but that is about it. The problem with Texas is that they take so few out of state students (unlike the stupid school in my state), that it makes it seem like a waste of money as well. I will see though. I am not rip roaring at this application like I was with the AMCAS.

Hmm. There is much to think about. I guess once I visit that school in St. Vincent, I will really know. I might just forget this whole med school thing and just do the MBA only. We'll see. I say that a lot don't I?

Well, back to the GMAT stuff. I have to finish the Official Guide diagnostic test. TJ came home before I could finish it. Then I will make my flash cards. Hopefully that will help. I will have to go over those formulas everyday until the test. Maybe throw in an example on it. I have these giant flashcards that Lou gave to me when she came to visit me on St. Maarten. I guess I can use those.

And now, enjoy one of my favorite movies/songs!!!

:: Jane Dee 3:55:00 AM [+] ::
:: 4.30.2012 ::
Preparing For Visit

This past week I have been preparing to visit the school on St. Vincent. It's quite expensive, somewhere around $800 to go there. I am hoping I can stay with someone in the :dorm" but I guess I can't expect that. I will contact the school and see what they can do in terms of where I can stay. I am going to visit the school sometime after my GMAT.

Still no word from GEBE. What else is new? Oh right, the status of that Netter's book. I really REALLY hope it gets there. I really don't want to have to take a loss on such a stupid book. I haven't got a call back from the post office about the whereabouts of the book. I kind of don't expect to though. I can see something not going my way about this.

Anyway, the day is young and it is time to study some GMAT. I have to go through that Princeton book, then try some quizzes online at Kaplan. I am not sure if I will get around to the anything else today as I would like to finish the Princeton book. Oh yeah, I plan on going over all of my notes and making flash cards of the stuff I need to know cold. Like the combination/permutation formulas, areas, square roots of certain numbers, et cetera. I know I want to get a certain amount of things done in a day, but it doesn't happen. I just want to get through the book and maybe do a quiz and if I have time, go over the notes and do some flash cards. So we shall see what I actually get through.

Other than that, I have a month before my GMAT. Whoo hoo?

:: Jane Dee 8:39:00 AM [+] ::
:: 4.27.2012 ::
Netter's Book Seeks Revenge

Just when I thought I had seen the last of that awful Netter's book... I find out that it wasn't delivered! What?! I would hate to have to refund a book that the post office lost! Well, I called the USPS and opened an investigation about the piece. I am hoping that it's just taking a long time and that it will arrive in a few days.

In other bad news, I am STILL fighting with GEBE about my deposit! I called every bank involved and I hopefully got the ball rolling. GEBE FINALLY contacted Windward bank as to the status of the transfer which every bank involved said it was returned to Windward and hopefully GEBE. UGHHH!!!! More rotten memories from St. Maarten! How I wish I never went!

Now that I have given myself a headache, I can't study much for GMAT. Maybe I will do sentence correction. Less stress.

:: Jane Dee 10:39:00 AM [+] ::
:: 4.23.2012 ::
More Practice

So I completed some verbal and quantitative exercise on my Barron's GMAT CD. I think their questions are pretty similar to the GMAT stuff. Maybe I am saying that only because I did better on the Barron's stuff than I do the Kaplan stuff!

I haven't practiced the essay parts thoroughly. I kinda just write an outline and figure I will write a decent essay. When I start practicing that, I will post what write.

Well, it's time to start dinner. GMAT studies continue tomorrow!

:: Jane Dee 4:41:00 PM [+] ::
GMAT Bound

It's official: I'm taking the GMAT next month.

Notice that I didn't put an exclamation point after month. Well, it's hard to get excited about another long test! I am kind of excited to take it because I have been wanting to take it for years, and now my time has come on the eve of the new GMAT. I scheduled my test at the end of May, right before the new GMAT debuts. I figure that I will have all the time in the world to study the new GMAT if I don't go to med school and I don't get into ASU. Of course, UA is pushing hard for students by offering all kinds of scholarships and money. So maybe I will send my scores there after all?

In any case, I am still trying to figure out how to raise my scores. I think I am scoring high enough to get into ASU, but I would prefer to be above that. Hopefully, having the test scheduled (and paid for, $250!!!) will help me study harder. Not too sure what studying harder will do, but at least I will be motivated.

Currently, I am reading the Princeton Review for GMAT. I am not sure I am understanding the point of the book. It seems more like tricks and tips. I think I will have to read it very carefully if I want to apply any of these methods. I am also practicing with Kaplan's book. I am working on the CATs they offer and I am not sure if the CATs really are computer adaptive. I mean, wouldn't each test just have a preset bank of questions? Hm. Well, I've got two more essays, four more quizzes, two CATs on the CD and one CAT online. I am saving the online test last. Then I will see about scheduling one of those free online tests they give. It may be the same, but at least it will be some practice. On the Princeton CD, I have two two CATs, two practice tests, and verbal and quantitative practice. I also have the two Quantitative review books from GMAT and some extra problems from the new review guide. I am hoping I will have enough practice! I only have a month, so I have to use these things wisely.

Now my head hurts from all the excitement. I think I will get something to eat then use some practice stuff I just mentioned. It's going to be a long day!

:: Jane Dee 10:21:00 AM [+] ::
:: 4.21.2012 ::
Happy First 100 Degree Day!

Today is the first 100 degree day in Phoenix. Yippee? Meh. Today I am going to do some quizzes for the GMAT on my Kaplan syllabus and see how I do. No one got back to me about the teaching job so I guess I will schedule my GMAT today or tomorrow.

You know what else sucks? I STILL haven't resolved my account with GEBE! These jerks claim that they never were told that the transfer wasn't any good. So they want ME to show THEM that I didn't get the money. Well basically, if you didn't initiate the transfer, you have no access to the notes that the banks write each other that it was rejected. I was on the phone for hours with each bank involved in the transfer (except Windward Bank) and they all told me that it was rejected and that I can't have access to the transcript and that the INITIATOR (GEBE and Windwards) has to do the trace. I tell them that that is my problem, they are lazy and don't care and don't want to do the trace. I told them to ask Windward for a trace TWICE. SO finally I wrote to them and said that I can't get the "proof" they are looking for and it's a matter of them simply calling Windward and doing a trace. DUH. Supposedly, they emailed someone at the bank so we will see. I was thinking that I would make a layover in SXM just to go to GEBE and chew them out. But meh. I think I will just do a layover in Barbados instead.

Yes, so I decided to take a look at Trinity SOM and see what it is all about. I am going to go after I take my GMAT. I guess that will be sometime in June. If that place doesn't look right, I won't go. I guess I will just continue with the DO thing, even though I don't have any DO letters. I am still deciding if I should start my applications in May. I think I will apply to Texas, but I am not sure about any other school. Maybe the one in Ohio? Maybe. I just don't want to spend tons of money on places I don't have a chance at. Or that are undesirable. I think I would just rather go forth with the MBA and think of something to do later.

Okay, well I guess it's time to get some quizzes going. Maybe an essay. Seems I am slipping with that.

:: Jane Dee 1:04:00 PM [+] ::
:: 4.18.2012 ::
Sentence Correction Day

Today I am going to do all the sentence correction questions. Well, most of them anyway. I went over the grammar rules and stuff yesterday. If found this website to help you practice some English. I would have never have known that this is an acceptable sentence: "The mural will have been being painted by the artist for over six months by the time it is finished." Ha What?

I haven't scheduled my GMAT yet because I am waiting for an answer back about a teaching job I applied to. Not sure if I will get it, but I guess I can give them to the end of the week. Then I guess I will schedule it. I want a job really bad, but I have to finish all my tests first unless I can squeeze in something like a substitute teacher. I am going to schedule the test for May 30, 31, or June 1. I will see what appointments are left in a week. It seems like they added some though. I could have sworn there were less appointments a week ago. Hmm.

I am also pondering what to do about medical school. No DOs got back to me! What BS. Still not sure if want to put all that effort into DO applications though. I think that having a Carib school transcript hurts my chances. They say it doesn't but I have a feeling it does because to them it looks like you put Carib school over DO school. I mean, I guess that is kind of true. So I am not sure if I want to spend another $1000 on applications to nowhere. Then go on interviews that go nowhere and spend another $1000 at least. And that is only if I am conservative in my applications. If I do the shotgun approach, I can easily spend $3000 on applications. I was thinking of applying to a few schools only. But we'll see. The applications open in May.

I was looking at another Caribbean school, Trinity on St. Vincent. Not sure if I would apply there yet, but it's an option. I am definitely going to visit first. No more surprise med school crap.

Well, the sun is up, so that means it's time to study!

:: Jane Dee 7:09:00 AM [+] ::
:: 4.16.2012 ::
Lookin' For Schools

I am looking for schools that I can send my scores to. This is what I've found so far:

W.P. Carey Online. ASU offers supply chain management online! How nice! A few years ago, it was only offered in the full-time MBA program. That was one reason I never did the MBA when I moved to Arizona. I wanted to do this program, but I couldn't leave my job. So NOW they have it online, geez. Anyway, ASU offers a few more things online now. Here is the list of core courses. What's great about an online program is that I can do the classes from home AND still work! Huzzah! The part-time evening and full time program offers Supply Chain Management, Health Sector Management, and Entrepreneurship, while the weekend program offers SCM. I guess depending how I score and what I do next will determine what program I will apply to.

NYU Stern Part-Time. This is obviously a reach school at this point. However, I think if I finished medical school, I'd be a better candidate. Not sure how I would tie in medicine and SCM, but I will send my scores here anyway, just in case. NYU Stern part-time also offers entrepreneurship, another field I am considering depending on how things go.

Zicklin, Baruch. I had wanted to swear off CUNY forever, but Baruch does offer very flexible classes. They offer Entrepreneurship, Idustrial/Organizational Psychology, and Operations Management, but no SCM. There is also a very interesting part-time Healthcare Administration MBA that is probably more what I am looking for if I go to medical school. I am not sure how I would work that in though. The scores expire in five years and so I would have to start this program during residency if I went to medical school. Of course, if I go to another Caribbean school, I may start in September so that I can do an MBA before my scores expire.

Quinnipiac University. Although it's a third tier school, it does offer SCM and Healthcare Management. It also offers an online Healthcare MBA. The benefits of this program is that there is no time limit for completion (for now) and no campus requirement.

Pepperdine (Graziadio). I can't say I am a fan of living in California, but I did pass the Malibu campus many years ago and it looked great. This school offers a full-time MBA and a part-time MBA. The full-time MBA offers a study abroad program and Entrepreneurship. The part-time MBA also offers Entrepreneurship and a study abroad program. The part-time study abroad program can be a week, a few weeks, or a whole trimester. That sounds neat!

Booth Part-Time. Another reach school at this point, but may be an option if I finish medical school. They offer Entrepreneurship and Operations Management, but no SCM.

Smeal at Penn State. Apparently, they have one of the best SCM MBA programs. They also offer Entrepreneurship. However, this is a full-time MBA. They do offer an online MBA, called the iMBA, but that looks like it is only a general MBA. Not sure I want to spend money on that.

Fordham University. This school offers a full-time MBA with Entrepreneurship. I don't think this will be a school I send my scores to, but I will still keep it in mind.

I think a problem can arise from there being more than one program at each school. You only get to report your GMAT to five schools, and I think that in the case of ASU for example, that would count as three if I sent my score to the full-time, evening, and professional programs. I guess I will have to ask, but I will assume this is the case. I will order it like this: ASU Evening, ASU Online, ASU Full Time, NYU Part-Time, Baruch Part-time. If I can't raise my GMAT scores much more, I will consider switching ASU Full Time or NYU Part Time with Quinnipiac Online.

So that was about five hours of work. Now I have to eat some food and study some GMAT stuff. Maybe I will figure out how to raise my score!

:: Jane Dee 10:52:00 AM [+] ::

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