Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021
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My head hurts and I have a test in abnormal psych tomorrow on a chapter we never covered. Great. As if this semester wasn't boring enough, I have to endure bad teaching as well. You can bet I will have a lot of suggestions come teacher review time.
So there are new hurricanes to worry about. It's okay this time. No one is stupid enough to stay after what happened with Katrina. I hope. In any case, I don't think I will be getting an ulcer this time. Although I am worried about petrol prices. I know these animals want to take advantage of this hurricane like they did with the last one and jack up the prices.
So now what? I don't know. I just hope I can get this studying done for my test tomorrow.
:: Jane Dee 10:06:00 AM [+] ::
(evil plan unfolds.... bwahahaaaaaaahahaaaa!!!)
:: Jane Dee 8:16:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.05.2005 ::
Not Much Goin' On Here
I'm feeling better from all this chaos of hurricanes and gas prices and so on. I suggest that next time "they" want to raise gas prices so high in such a short time, they LET US KNOW. Sheesh I was going to have a heart attack.
Anyway, I am plenty annoyed at my school library. I was trying to log into my copy account which had about $10 on it (our school wants everyone to use a copy machine using keypads and pin codes. They don't like dimes and quarters, or even the Copycard, which I also had but went obsolete with another $12 on it!!). So I used the email password etc option and I didnt get it! I'm definately going to complain tomorrow. I want my $10! Especially since I paid $150 for only TWO textbooks! DANG! I'm glad this is my last semester. No more of this stupid nonsense. Well, I guess until I go back, lol.
So it was Labor Day weekend, and this was my first ever PAID HOLIDAY from work! Yippee! Only problem is that tomorrow is Tuesday and that means I start this workday on a long day (i.e., school during the day then work hard at night). But luckily for me, I may be getting the chance to work a full day (8hr) once a week. I have to see if I can handle it because the work I do is not for the meek, let me tell you. Last week, I was in so much pain, but I have been stretching and drinking my protien shakes, so hopefully, I can get used to it fast. I hope I do because that would make a marked improvement on my montly income and I can pay for more things (e.g., auditing classes).
Since these gas prices are much higher now, I have to make more changes in my plans. Instead of being deadset on going to QCC, which will require a gas tank (15 gallons) every week to get to, I may have to consider LaGuardia. I will call them tomorrow to ask if they audit classes. If not, I have been told to try to plead my case to the new president of KCC to make an exception for me and let me sit in on the classes I need, but pay tuition. Maybe if I tell her all I aspire, she will? Fingers crossed! I'd rather go to KCC anyway. Maybe I should just ask her now? I mean, after I audit chemistry wherever it is I will go, I will take organic chem at KCC anyway. I think I will ask her first before I apply. Yes. Sounds good. Going to KCC would make my life 1,000,000,000,000,000 times easier. Maybe I will do that Friday. :)
Its 11pm and I was supposed to have cleaned up a bit. Did I? NO. Infact, I didn't even do my homework. I was saving it for tomorrow, uhm, you know I DO have a two hour break before my last two classes. Yup. Okay, I better get my things ready for tomorrow. It ought to be an interesting semester! I have abnormal psychology, sleep and sleep disorders, developmental psychology, and psychology of sexuality. Hee hee. FINALLY I can make cool, informative posts like I USED to post.
:: Jane Dee 7:42:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.01.2005 ::
Well You Got It
Thanks for the depression hex! In any case, unless you are in a coma, you know what is happening to N'awlins (New Orleans). If that doesn't induce depression, then what will? I am sad indeed.
I am also quite sick. Not with a bug, but from something somatic of sorts. I threw up twice last night (self induced from overwhelming nausea) and woke up so achy and nauseaus, that I didnt think I could make it out the door. I hope I can make it to work today. Perhaps I should pay a visit to the doctor. I want to ask him if he can give me a perscription for a knee brace, lol. Not to mention, migraine medication, and an antiemetic (besides benadryl, which knocks me out) for times like these. I would figure its work related (too much work yesterday) but I thnk it was those blasted "Mrs. Freshly's" Twinkie-like cakes I had yesterday because I couldn't get a decent meal to calm my ravenous appetite nowadays. So I ate three nasty twinkies (to which, I add, I would NEVER dare to eat a couple years ago. Only until I was low on funds and "had" to get used to eating shitty food did I create a habit of eating these horrid snacks) and I started to feel a migraine come on. Okay, no problem, I've had those before. Then it got worse, and worse and then, by the end of the night and with the help of all the heat and humidity, I was in the grip of some nasty migraine-like sickness. I was nauseus, and every ounce of light and sound was like a dagger through my head. Then I became more and more nauseaus... and let me tell you, I don't get nauseus very easy. I also don't throw up easily. I can be nauseus for hours but my cardiac sphincter will not budge. However, when I am nauseus, I can't go. That is why I can usually handle migraines without nausea, I can take pain, but I can't take waves and waves of nausea. The only thing that can cure me now is fried chicken, but Im not going to eat the school fried chicken. I'd rather eat chalk.
Im wondering now what caused this. Stress? Maybe. Overuse of muscles? Maybe. Mrs Freshley's Twinkie look-a-likes? Probably. Lets just say I am never going to eat prepackaged cakes ever again (unless its Lady Linda Glazed Donuts or Entamanns cakes). Its chips and chocolate bars, and fig newtons from now on.
Now I have to get more food. Class starts soon.
:: Jane Dee 10:22:00 AM [+] ::