Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021
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FINALLY! I have been working on the blog first and I have updated the old links and almost done putting back the pictures.
Right now I am trying to figure out how to post the pictures and organize them in a way that is feasible for the future. I am excited I will finally have a real update and organize my website in a way that will allow me to update regulary with the larger files! Yay!
:: Jane Dee 2:25:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.28.2011 ::
Remember To Go To Class!
Its Monday! I almost forgot Im still in school. I didn't even know what day it was yesterday. Sigh. Anyway, I have been contemplating what to do next. Do I continue on and study ochem with fervor? I mean, I don't have to know everything now that the MCAT is over. Or maybe I will have to take it again?
I also need to find a sample syllabus of bchem topics in med school. That way I can start studying those chapters in my book. I bought my book used and it apparently belonged to some woman who went to Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. So if they used the book, it should be sufficient.
Now that this dumb test is over (for now) I can also put my efforts back into my skin care regimen. I need to control some wrinkles before I get any (if I get any) interviews. I dont want to look too old! They will say "who does this old bag think she is trying to go to school with 23 year olds?" or something similar. Not that I actually think Im old, but Im sure adcoms will think Im old. And crazy. Ive already lost over 30 pounds (I think I look a 'lil too thin) so I can look more "young." I guess from behind, I will look like a kid and then when I turn around I will look about 25 until I smile... then the wrinkles will show up. Well, I did buy L'Oreal age defying makeup and a nice base from L'Oreal to fill in them wrinkles! I have to use this time now to practice my makeup specifically to cover the wrinkles. I may also buy some vitamin A creme. My mother used that ever since I could remember and she didn't start getting wrinkly until she was like, 64?? That's good!
In other news, it is going to be very hard to redirect all the pictures on this blog to my intended new parking spot on my server. I am deciding whether to scrap all the pictures or go through each one and redirect them. Not sure. Of course, I can just keep the ones I like...
And I am now sorting through the pictures on and for my webpage. Which ones do I keep? There are quite a few that are stupid, some nice. I wonder what is best. Well, at least I have my dry erase board free from mechanisms and bullcrap for now.
I have some time before class. I better remember to go!
:: Jane Dee 7:46:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.26.2011 ::
Real MCAT Test Done
Well today was my date with MCAT. It was okay. It was similar to MCAT test #11 and less like the free test they give online. Im not terribly worried I scored under a 22, but I don't think I got over a 30 unless all the questions I guessed were right. But I guess there is always room for a miracle, right?
Now I wait for a MONTH to see what I got.
The facility was okay. You sign in and they take your ID. You put all your stuff in a locker and they give you a key. At first, I put everything in the locker, but this guy spoke up (not the testing people) and said you have to leave your food out on the table if you want to eat it during the breaks. Well, thanks for telling me testing center employees. Sheesh. Anyway, so you leave your food out and then you wait until they call your name and then they check your ID, take your picture, and get a few copies of your fingerprint. They seat you and you start. Everytime you want to take a break, you sign in and out and they get a fingerprint with each exit and entrance. When you are done, you get a printout with a stamp and you go home.
I definitely see some easy ways to sneak notes in. First, they let you wear a jacket or sweater. You aren't supposed to take it off during the test, but during the breaks, you can have notes in your sweater made out of material or written on the material of the sweater or jacket. That is dumb to overlook! They make you empty out your pockets, but they don't examine all your clothes or strip search you. You could even put notes on a piece of ribbon or material and put it in your bra or underwear. Duh. The other problem is that a week or so before the exam, I was able to walk in to the building and check it out. Well, anyone can easily go there the day before and stash notes in the bathroom or other area. How? First of all the bathroom has toilet TANKS. DUH! you can stash notes in there. I was tempted to pull up the lid to see if I could find anything, but I didn't want to get icky crap on my hands, but you can see how easy that can be. And if you know the cleaning person, or the time they clean the bathrooms, you can stash notes in the bottom of the trash can. DUH! AND they have an area under the sink that can be utilized. DUH! Not to mention a second floor! More opportunities! Ha! Yes, you only have ten minutes for break but that can be enough time. Well, I guess I exposed enough security breaches.
I just hope I don't have to take this test over again! I didn't enjoy it and I did not see it as a game or special challenge. Just an annoying, long test. Let's just hope that whatever I get is enough to get me into UA.
So now I will get back to studying ochem and bchem (almost forgot I had those classes!). I also have a lot of gardening to catch up on and MCAT books to sell off or donate. I also will work earnestly on my webpage.
I don't know what I will do today, but I am definitely happy I have a break from MCAT for now. Hopefully, I will never see it again!
:: Jane Dee 2:13:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.23.2011 ::
I bought some lottery tickets. I hope I win tonight so that I don't have to take the MCAT.
Of course, I think its more likely I will win the lottery than get a 30 on that test. Oh well.
Anyway, TJ's tires on his car are about to go. No literally. Chunks have fallen off the front tire. It is lucky they did not go flat on his way to work. I told him to take the streets tonight. I hope they hold up! I have to order tires. We are going to buy them from tirerack.com. I called a wal-mart nearby and they said they can install the tires. So we'll see. It's just funny that the tires have to disintegrate NOW when I have to take my test. I will have to take the bus back from the hospital and the MCAT test. I think it will be interesting to finally take the bus here. I haven't since I moved here. I never had to. On Saturday, I will have to take the light rail too. That will be interesting. I never took that either. I don't even know if it runs on Saturday. I don't see why it wouldn't but I guess I will have to check. On Friday, I can just study on the bus. That will be a good way to use up two hours or so. But TJ is going to see if he can start late anyway. So maybe no bus after all?
It will be like the good old days of KCC nursing! Hahahahaha!
In any case, Ive been going over my cards and making notes. I hope to be done tonight, but Im sure I won't be. Probably tomorrow. Then I will just read my notes over and over and then hope for the best.
Well, I guess its time to order tires, then back to work!
:: Jane Dee 5:48:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.22.2011 ::
Four Days
Four days until the MCAT. It seems like only a few months ago that I started on this whole med school thing. Actually, it has been in the background since I took nursing and wasn't a real consideration until I moved to Arizona. Then I really started on my journey in 2008. That is a VERY long time ago. Just think, if I had entered med school in 2008, Id only have one year left! Time flies.
But here I am in 2011 trying to get into a class for 2012. There are four days until my life-determining test, then a little over two months until I hit the "send" button on my application.
So after completely going over my test #11 yesterday, I see that there was not too much room for improvement. I only missed a few things based on not remembering a formula or something, but the rest of my mistakes are things that I can't study for, at least right now.
What is funny is that I think I found an error on test #6. Im going to have to contact them about it since they retired that test and I am not at liberty to discuss MCAT practice tests with the public.
In any case, here are some more essays I wrote at various times during the course of my MCAT test prep.
Here are the first essays I wrote. I couldn't even finish one. I think it was mostly because I was in a hurry and had to pick up TJ from work, but anyway, here are my first two MCAT essays (I don't have the prompts):
#1: There is no politician that can offer fair representation to all the people. Therefore, a politician can come from many backgrounds and still be effective and represent most of the people. Although many politicians are wealthy, not all were born wealthy, and using the criterium of wealth to determine if someone will be an effective politician is flawed. There can be a politician who is wealthy and uneffective as well as one who is wealthy and effective. When someone says that a wealthy politician cannot offer fair representation to all the people, he is probably assuming that because he is not wealthy, as are most other people, that politician doesnt "understand" his plight. He may assume that the politician was always wealthy and does not know what it feels like to work at a hard job and make very little money. He will then assume that because they lead different lives, the politician simply cannot make the same decisions and come to the same conclusions. This kind of thinking just isnt the case. Humans are capeable of sympathy, compassion, and empathy. One doesnt not need to have experienced the same setbacks inorder to feel angry or sad. One also doesnt have to be in the same economic bracket in order to feel the pain of loss, the joy of winning, and the headache from working too hard at the job. This applies to the steel-worker, the pharmacist, and the politician. The politician in question may have come from humble backgrounds that are not announced. How someone aquires wealth should be a better indicator of how well they can represent a group, rather than how much they have at the present moment. If a politician aquired his wealth through an invention, would he be a better fit? Not nessecarily. Would the politician be a better representative if he aquired his wealth through enterpise? Maybe. Perhaps that may be an instance that the politician would be favored. He would identify better with the general population because it shows that he had to "work hard" to get where he is, and did not gain his status simply be being born into the right family or knowing the right people. Picking the right politician goes beyond his net worth. It should be done with scrutiny to his record of performance, rather than factors that are less likely to drive his decion making process.
#2: In a free society, laws are subject to change because of many factors. Laws can evolve with society to keep pace with the status quo. Laws are created to keep abreast of new issues and thought process, good or bad. Laws are also expunged because of percieved errors of previous outcomes or because they no longer apply. Perhaps the best facilitator of change is a peer review. In this country that means that an appointed set of judges are obliged to review laws to see if they still apply or can be eliminated. A free society has this type of setting for laws because free societies do not have monarchs or emperors who set up rules to benefit the society, but rather to benefit the monarch. In a free society, laws are subject to change because it is the people that create them, and if the people eveolve, then so must the laws. However, being a free society does not mean a free for all. There are some laws that can not be changed in order to uphold the idea of a free society. Obviously, a law against a ruling monarch should be one of them. Also, a free society needs to establish laws that cannot be abolished because they are "inherent truths" relating to the rights of man. One such law may be that all people shall be free to speak their opinion without fear of death. Another law should be that citizens remain citizens, in that they are part of a society, not a ruling class. Laws that foster the creative ability of man, such as forming an opinion, and his right to confer with his neighbors about what he thinks is unjust should be the basis of a free society and should be "laws" that cannot change in that society that wishes to be conbsidered a free society.
(pfft, what a crappy essay, Id give it a 0 - and I don't mean "O")
Next essay, much improved:
#3: Successful politicians are motivated more by practical considerations than moral values
Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which successful politicians might be motivated more by moral values than by practical considerations. Discuss what you think determines whether successful politicians are motivated more by practical concerns or by moral values. ++++++++++++++++++
Modern politicians in this country are voted in by citizens who feel that the candidate best represents their values and beliefs. The elected official is supposed to then fight for these values and beliefs within the context of their power and position in office. Because there will be different majorities electing different officials into office, there will be a clash between what the citizens see as defending moral values or defending practical considerations. As the elected official moves up in rank, there will be more and more people with whom he is to represent. Naturally, he cannot please everyone and must compromise by broadening his ideals and values to include those of the majority if he wants to win office. This is when, perhaps, his initial campaign representing morals will be emphasized less and the practical considerations for the majority of the citizens will be emphasized more.
This is not to say that the politician has now converted to only considering policies that are purely practical. A politician may still be interested in moral values, especially his own. If the politician was a devoted Catholic, he may decide to cut funding to sex education programs in the school because it clashes with his moral values of pre-marital sex. However, a politician may decide to cut funding to sex-education programs because it is practical. In the latter case, he may feel that pre-marital sex is causing too many teen pregnancies supported by tax dollars and therefore will vote to promote sex education to help stop this burden to tax payers.
In general, politicians make decisions based on what would make them successful. Sometimes, a politician can be very flexible and can become more motivated by morals than by practicalities and vice versa. Other times, a politician may wish to enter politics as someone who stays true to his values. Although this type of strategy may be successful in local representation or in smaller, homogenous populations, it may not work as well in larger, heterogenous populations, or in areas that are not supportive of those specific moral values. The end result may be a short political career.
Therefore, a successful politician should consider their goals against the backdrop of the citizens they wish to represent. If a politician desires to become the greatest mayor of a very religious and traditional town, he should make sure his values align with those of the town. If a politician desires to become the governor of an entire state that houses many metropolitan areas, large univerisities, and non-traditional types of people, he would have to consider if his moral values will get in the way of his success to represent the people he wishes to represent.
It is true that one has to be honest with themselves and not deviate too far from their beliefs, but in order to be successful, especially as an elected official, one must be able to balance their own beliefs with those of the people he wishes to represent. Of course, if he feels that there is an issue to which he cannot agree with because it clashes with his deep-rooted beliefs, then it would be best to follow his moral compass. By doing this, he will establish himself, at the very least, as an honest and trustworthy leader.
#4: A person’s first priority in life should be financial security
Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which a person’s first priority in life might not be financial security. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a person’s first priority in life should be financial security. +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Most people in this country will agree that having financial security is of high priority. Evidence of this goal is seen in the millions who go to college to try to increase their earning power, or the hourly employee who attempts to climb the corporate ladder to a higher salary. This compulsion to have money is extended to people who play the lottery, hoping for the jackpot, or the young woman in search of a rich husband. Finacial security seems to be the motivation for many things that people do.
There are people in society that are contrary to what is thought of as the norm. Yes, there are some people who do not view financial security as a high priority. Some of these people may include altruists and volunteers who feel that helping your fellow man is more important than monetary gain. Or perhaps the religious man who feels spreading his teachings is far more important than aquiring wealth. Then there is the very far end of the spectrum that includes those with mental disorders, who cannot fully grasp the concept of money and its value, and drug addicts, who have lost their sense of reality and are only fixated on obtaining the drug that they desire.
For however many people there may be that do not desire finacial security, there are many more people that do desire it. Most of the time, their desire for financial security is not because they are power-hungry. Most of these people simply want to be able to support themselves and their family in a socially appropriate way. They want to be able to buy a home that they can live in, be able to buy the things they need and perhaps a little more, and be able to provide for themselves in the years that they may not be able to work. Having financial security means having more freedoms and relying on yourself. These are some values that are heavily emphasized in a free society and by its citizens.
On the flip side, there are those whose desire to obtain finacial security is very overwhelming. The strong desire to obtain money then becomes the influence for all that they do. They may make decisions solely on how much money they will make off of it. If, for example, a young woman will marry anyone rich, she may forfeit her happiness for monetary freedom.
Although it may be good to desire finacial security, one has to be careful about why they desire this and how they are obtaining this goal. Perhaps with careful introspection, one may be able to successfully balance their desire of living the good life with simply obtaining money at all costs. Because path one includs thoughful deliberate decisions and balance of desires and the other includes simply doing what it takes to obtain a goal, there will be some people that cannot achieve this goal, or may achieve it at the expense of their own beliefs and other people. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
When this test is over, TJ and I are going to go out to eat somewhere. I don't know where yet, but someplace nice. I think I would like to dress up. Oh wait, I don't have any clothes that fit, hmm... Well, wherever.
The only thing I am going to focus on after the month after MCAT is 1) ochem and bchem (Im actually going to start really studying bchem so I will have a leg up in med school, ha!) 2) my "personal statement/essay" you have to write for the application 3) my webpage (finally!) 4) my recommenders and their letters. In fact, I have to contact one of them soon and let them know they have to start writing one.
And the good news is that my bchem midterm has been pushed until AFTER the MCAT, YAY! Next week, I also have to start (and finish Im sure) my PowerPoint project for bchem. I think Im going to do it on digestive enzymes or something. It has to be about enzymes. What else is bchem about anyway? Buffers maybe? Eh, enzymes are more exciting.
Oh yeah and then I need to fix my garden/backyard. I have to plant some new stuff and I hope my bougainvilleas come back!
Well, enough rambling, its time to study!
:: Jane Dee 7:54:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.21.2011 ::
Saturday Is Coming
Still bummed, but moving on. Im the type of person that thrives on bad stuff anyway so maybe it will work out?
Either way, I will do my best.
:: Jane Dee 5:46:00 PM [+] ::
Still Annoyed
I am still annoyed about my dumb scores. I am not happy. I guess I will know what kind of score I get when I take the test on Saturday. If it seemed easier, a 28, harder is a 25. I hope. My guess is it will be harder.
I am sitting here reviewing the test and seeing I only missed a few points. All the other stuff I got wrong is not stuff that I can "learn" from taking a class. That is what is annoying. I can study all day and night and memorize every formula in the book but that will still probably only get me a 28. It doesn't matter if this test is harder (the scale says its harder) because if I get a 28 on an easy test or a 28 on a hard test, it is the same.
So my best hope is my GPA (should be around 3.6), the classes I took (I took many classes applicable to med school), and my LORs (My ochem prof will have to really emphasize my 98% on the ACS) to get into UA. Otherwise, Im off to the Caribbean, hopefully.
Not that I wasn't expecting the Caribbean all along. I kinda knew from day one that just getting into UA was going to be a challenge, if not impossible. I was just trying to stay hopeful, but when I get my MCAT score back, I will know everything and know exactly where I stand. I just wish they gave the stupid scores back faster!
Anyway, I guess I am going to go over this test. Im kind of lost on how to study now. It seems like going over these cards is useless because most of my mistakes are not in my cards because the test is testing something else. I just wish I could guess well too. But that is not going to happen.
Well, its almost over. Just one more week of torture and then a month of less torture. I just hope I get over a 25.
:: Jane Dee 8:54:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.19.2011 ::
So I spent all morning taking MCAT test #11. I wasnt happy with my big fat 25. Yes, this test is harder, but a 25? Just when you think you are starting to understand the test, they throw something like this at you to mess with your head.
I got an 8P, 9V, 8B. Not too bad, but it won't get me in anywhere but Caribbean school and MAYBE UA if they pity me. I may also have to seriously consider DO school.
So now that I an bummed out once again, I can at least say that I will probably get at worst a 25. I just don't want anything below that or I will have to cross my fingers for AUC to accept me.
I am not sure if Im going to buy another test. It seems useless. I should just study my cards and these three tests. Why waste money on another test that will just show me another area I am deficient in? Sigh.
Well, I guess the rest of today will be studying this test and cards. What else can I do?
:: Jane Dee 1:04:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.18.2011 ::
High Score!
I just went onto the mcat wesite and I happened upon the scales for scoring the test. I DID get a 28! Hurray!!!
Now Im even happier than I was yesterday!
Today Im studying test 6. If I can just learn to take this test better, I can possibly get a 30. A 30 would be perfect! Of course, I want a 33, but well, I'll take a 30.
Tomorrow I take a full test #11. Hopefully, I will get my 30.
:: Jane Dee 5:34:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.17.2011 ::
After reviewing test #6, I can see that I could have done a lot better in the PS section if it were not for dumb mistakes! I hate it when I do that. I feel like Im back in differential equations.
The verbal could have gone better if I paced myself better. I said "read slower" but not THAT slow. I had to blaze through the last two passages so that is where I took the hit.
This test had a much harder BS (adequately named!) section. Again, I didn't pace myself and blazed through these passages that were really long. I think Im going to try to do the discrete questions first then do the passages with the most questions. That way, if I get hung up on time, I didn't sacrifice the easy questions. I won't do this for the PS section. It seems the passages arent as long.
Well, tomorrow I am going to bring my ochem cards to the hospital. I want to go over the stuff I haven't learned yet. Then when I come home, I will do the PS and BS sections over again. Maybe write some essays.
Im considering doing MCAT test #11 on Saturday at 0800 like I kinda did today (I started at 0900). That way I will have the week to finalize all my knowledge. I am also considering buying one more test and take it next Wednesday. But we'll see. I don't want to overload my nerves.
Tonight I make vegan cheeseburger macaroni. I think I will add real cheese to my helping. Not sure if I want to open up a pack of cheese for nothing.
Hooray! I increased my score by at least 4 and maybe up to 6. I did the test on paper because my subscription had expired on test 6, but I estimated that I got about a 26 at worst and a 29 at best. Not too bad!
I did manage to get about 10, maybe 11, on the physical sciences! BUT the bio section was harder, so I got a 9 maybe an 8. Not sure, but I did okay. Better than a 5!
I was surprised that I found the verbal section harder. I think I got 8 or 9. Well, as long as I don't go lower than that I should be okay.
If I can get at least this score, I still have a shot at UA. I definitely have a shot at AUC. I don't think I will have much of a shot anywhere else unless I get that 29. Then maybe I can apply to a couple of other places. And a 26 to 28 can still keep me in the running for a D.O. school if I plan to go there.
But Im feeling a little better now that I did better! So Im going to take a break then go over test 6 in depth like I did with test 3. Then tomorrow I can take the sections over again. I hope I don't forget to go to the hospital!
Now I can do a happy dance....
:: Jane Dee 3:24:00 PM [+] ::
MCAT Prompts
Education makes everyone equal.
Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which education does not make everyone equal. Discuss what you think determines whether or not education makes everyone equal
Education in the United States today is not similar to what it was one or two hundred years ago, or even fifty years ago. Today, specific groups are not allowed to be restricted to attend school, which schools they may attend, and what subjects they may take.
In the past, for example, minorities and women were restricted to obtaining public education. This meant that men, usually white, were educated in subjects like math, science, and politics, and the rest of society may have been educated with traditions like cooking and sewing. This caused a skewed difference in power and groups to be unequal. They may have been unequal in prerequisite knowledge to obtain jobs, like becoming a medical doctor, or unequal in obtaining positions to rally change, such as a politician.
Slowly, certain minority groups were allowed to have education. A prime example is the "separate but equal" education in the mid 1900's. On the surface, minority schools had everything the white schools had: books, classrooms, and teachers. However, a closer investigation revealed that their books were outdated and their teachers not as qualified or paid as much. This results in an unequal education and causes the same unequal distribution of power in society. Just being from a "separate but equal school" could put the student at a disadvantage. Employers will know that the quality of these "separate but equal" schools are subpar and will make an effort not hire any graduates from these schools.
Today, the education system is much more integrated, even if the education is not as good. It is true that those that graduate from the same school could be aggregated together as equally educated and qualified. They had the same teachers, the same books, and the same resources. This helps alleviate discrepancies in power between a minority group and a majority group. However, this is not a cure for all discrepancies in eqaulity and power.
Many schools today still discriminate who they will educate by using entrance exams and scrutinizing the candidate's background. Doing this will inevitably cause a separation between the ones who are educated at that school and those who are not. In time, that school can aquire a reputation as having the best students. Once this is established, the graduates will have more power in the workforce than those who were not educated there.
Therefore, it is not feasable to think that education creates equality. In most cases, it creates inequalities because of its penchant for creating heirarchies. These heirarchies can include the prestige of the school itself, the wealth and power of the current student body, the wealth and power of the alumni, and the quality of the resources the school is able to aquire. Even among schools that are in all cases equal, there will be some factor, real or percieved, that determines the status of the graduate which in turn, determines his power and influence on society.
The success of a business depends on its ability to compete.
Explain what you think the above statement means. Describe a specific situation in which the success of a business might not depend on its ability to compete. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the success of a business depends on its ability to compete.
Generally, businesses in the United States function on capitalism. In capitalism, a business will survive if it is able to outperform its competitors by having the most profits. Any business that cannot create a profit that is more than what it spends or owes will not thrive.
In most cases, the success of a business does depend on its ability to compete with other similar businesses. How it competes can differ. One company might prefer to solicit customers using telecommunications, like radio and television, while a competing company may prefer to reach customers by mail or billboards. Knowing the target audience is crucial to an effective advertising campaign. If a business assumes that its customers would most likely be driving and places advertisments on the highway, when in fact most of their customers take public transportation, they will not compete as effectively as the business that did their research correctly and placed their ads in the city bus.
There are some businesses that do not need to compete to be successful. Most of these types of businesses are similar to a monopoly, whether it be a monopoly of services or goods. An example of a monopoly of services would be a consumer having to buy all their power from one company only, because there is only one company contracted by that consumer's town or city. It doesn't matter if the power company advertises or not, they will make a profit. Of course, in this case, the business is successful because it has no competition.
A business can have competition and still seem like a monopoly. An example of this case can be the "big box stores" that some people think that because of their price negotiating power and size, these stores eventually shut down local businesses by offering lower prices that a smaller business can't afford to charge. In some places, these "big box stores" shut down their competition completely and then become a monopoly.
Both of these examples are still cases of the successful competitive skills needed to gain profits. The power company successfully outbid other power companies to be the sole provider of energy. And the "big box store" has successfully honed the art of negotiation and is able to get a better deal on pricing. The only time a business is not using some kind of competitive advantage is if the business is controlled by the government and laws are in place to prevent any other business from competing against it. However, in this country, there are an extremely small number of businesses like that and and should not be lumped in with the free market. For almost all businesses, its ability to do research on what the target audience is, what it likes, what it wants, and what the business can do to obtain the goods and services the consumer wants it the most important factor in whether or not a business succeeds.
Im either getting better at this essay writing or I am not writing anything good because I seem to have plenty of time left in the writing sections...
Now a ten minute break and back to the last part, biological sciences.
:: Jane Dee 11:32:00 AM [+] ::
Test #6
In a few minutes, Im going to take MCAT test #6. I will post my essays on here.
I went over some chemistry and physics formulas. I also need to read slower and use up ALL the alloted time since I don't skip questions and answer all of them in order anyway.
I have my contacts in and I am ready to roll, almost.
UGH! I have to stop reading about this nuclear problem in Japan, it makes my stomach turn! Can you believe that the people working on that plant are sacrificing themselves to save everyone? You know that those working on the plant right now are going to die of horrible cancers or whatnot? These guys are absorbing radiation up the wazoo....
I don't even want to start thinking about all the animals...
:: Jane Dee 4:34:00 PM [+] ::
Practice, Not Perfect
Im working on MCAT test 3 and I am correcting all my mistakes. I managed to get a 13 with the reviewing. I didn't review for the bio section and I got an 11. I learned to take it slow and I can read all the words better. (Very important apparently, I read things I don't remember seeing before!)
Anyway, Im going to take a short recess, then get cracking on my cards and notes. Im feeling more hopeful about the test because I have the knowledge, I have to work on straightening out the formulas and not confusing things. I think that is do-able.
Tomorrow I will take MCAT test 6. I hope the midterm gets posted for bchem! I want to work on that this week. Its due the day of the MCAT!
Are gross! I just ate one for lunch. I went to the supermarket earlier and bought some protein bars on sale. I decided to try "Pure Protein" and opened it up and took a bite. Yuck! Tastes like shredded gym socks and chocolate nail clippings. I had to buy it because I opened it and would finish it for my lunch. Well, as I made my way through the bar, it had "some funny taste" as my mother would say. Was it some kind of sour taste? Or was it bitter? Or was it some kind of chemical? I think the best bars are Balance bars so far. They have many good flavors. Yes, there is not as much protein as these bars, but I will take less protein if it means I get to ENJOY what I am eating! Good grief!
Target brand bars are good too. Ive only had the double chocolate or something, but it was awesome! It tasted more like a candy bar!
Anyway, now I have some kind of aftertaste in my mouth. Like I drank sour milk or something. Similar to the taste left when you eat very aged cheese. Only milk products do this. Then there is the lingering background taste of fake sugar or "sugar alcohols." Its not as bad as aspartame or whatnot, but its not good either. Maybe they use too much? And Pure Protein bars have cholesterol, whereas Balance doesn't (at least the chocolate craze flavor doesn't).
I wound up buying Zone bars. I tried the mint one in the store, and it wasn't bad. I bought 10 Zone bars, so I hope I didn't shoot myself in the foot. Otherwise, I will be having some nasty snacks for a while.
What else is funny is that I was 115 pounds yesterday at about 2pm. Then at bedtime, I was 121 pounds. Then in the morning I was 118 pounds. I had once told a doctor that I am able to lose 8 - 10 pounds in a day and he said it was impossible and my scale must be broken. Ha! It is true. I am a water-retaining wonder. I assume the reason for this is because I ate that Totinos party "pizza" (not real pizza) loaded with salt and that helped me "gain" six pounds of water. I don't know what I weigh now, as I dont weigh myself everyday. I have one more "pizza" left, so maybe I should eat that again and see how much I weigh before and after!
:: Jane Dee 1:49:00 PM [+] ::
Scared For Japan
Those stupid reactors are scaring me! It feels like its only a matter of time before there is some horrible meltdown. THEN WHAT???
My friend said it best: just ONE of those calamities would have been more than enough, but ALL THREE? A MEGA EARTHQUAKE, a MEGA TSUNAMI, AND a NUCLEAR MELTDOWN threat?? Holy Jesus!
Im actually most concerned about the stupid nuclear reactors. If they meltdown, they will destroy so much more and make land unusable for decades if not forever! We seem so freakin helpless.
Well, I took my "full length" Kaplan MCAT today and scored a whopping 23. I got a 5P, 10V, and 8B. I just don't know what to think anymore. Its very hard to stay motivated when you get scores like these. I guess this is the price I pay for not retaking these classes over? I just cant afford to pay for all these classes with one salary. I guess I will be very lucky if I get accepted to a Caribbean school.
I guess Im going to go sulk now. Oh yeah, I will post the two essays I did today:
In advertising, truth is irrelevant
Describe a specific situation in which truth in advertising might be relevant. Discuss what you think determines when truth in advertising is relevant and when it is irrelevant. ************************************************************************
Advertisements can be used for many things. It can be used to relay information about new products or services, social programs and benefits, or information about an existing business. Advertising can also take many different forms. It can be straight-forward and factual, it can be carefully crafted to appeal to emotions, or it can distort or exaggerate the truth or main idea or performance of a product or service to elevate its importance to the consumer.
Truthful advertising is seen usually when the product or service is self-explanatory, such as the hours of operation or which credit cards are accepted. If the product or service is in a less competitive area or in an area of government, this type of advertising should be used. For example, the local department of motor vehicles may advertise their new license plate rates for the coming year. There would be no need to distort the truth, and there should not be any distorting because lying about prices would not be favorable to the public who is expecting one price and has to pay another.
When the product is not a necessity or is in competition with other companies that produce the same product or service, advertisements may not be as cut-and-dry as was the case for the motor vehicle office. Products that are not necessary for life have to advertise how it is needed and to do that, the advertisements may distort the relevance or performance of the product. For example, it is not necessary for human life that I have a certain high heeled shoes. However, the advertisement may show that if I buy this type of shoe, I will have more friends, or look prettier, or win a spouse. This may happen if I buy that shoe, but it is certainly not the most likely scenario. Another example is two supermarkets competing for your business. You can choose to shop at either store, and they both have comparable prices and products. The supermarket that wins your business is the one that somehow swayed you to shop there by advertising that the store is more “friendly” or “fun.” These terms do not actually describe an inanimate supermarket, but appeal to your emotions and how “good” you feel about shopping in one store over another.
Many forms of advertisements are useful. Some just display pertinent information about a business, while others use the emotional response of humans to persuade them to buy or use their products and services. Some people may think that advertisements should only convey the truth. However, as long as the advertisement is not completely falsifying everything about the product or service, appealing to emotions should be viewed as an acceptable form of advertisement.
Those who own land have the right to do with it as they choose.
Describe a specific situation in which someone who owns land might or might not have the right to do so as they choose with it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not those who own land have the right to do so with it as they choose. ************************************************************************
Modern societies have many laws dictating how one can function in that society. Some of those laws include land use. It is not the case anymore that a person can do whatever they want on a parcel of land just because they own it.
Using the United States as an example, a person is free to buy land and generally do what he wishes with it, if it conforms to the laws of that geographic area. If that person were to buy land in a well-developed city, he would not only be required to obtain permits to build on that land, but he is also restricted to what structures to build. In one part of the city, he may only be allowed to build a business, while in another part he may be allowed to build anything under four stories tall. If the owner decided to build a farm in the metro area, he may be fined and summonsed to court.
Other areas of the United States may be more lax in their laws of what may be done with land. Parts of the Midwest are relatively uninhabited, and a person could then build what he chooses, so long as it doesn’t hurt humans or the environment. An owner may be able to drill for oil on his land, but may suffer fines if the environment was compromised due to an oil spill.
It seems as though the most important factors in determining how land can be used is they type of government of the area, the area itself and its significance, and the type of population nearby. If someone lives in a place where there is a king that controls all the land, certainly he would not be able to do what he pleases with it. If someone happens to own land that the government now sees as important to the preservation of some kind of species or landscape, the owner would be heavily restricted on what he may do with that land, if anything at all. If the land owner buys land in a place where many people live, he would be restricted on what he may do with it as well.
Is there any place that can say a landowner may do what he chooses with the land? Yes, perhaps in some hypothetical kingdom where there are no other countries or rivals nearby. The king, who is the land owner, can do anything he please. Another example may be if some wealthy tycoon purchased a whole island for himself, then he would only have to answer to his laws. However, there is a highly unlikely chance that there would be no surrounding nation that would intervene if necessary. For example, if the hypothetical king or tycoon were to start detonating nuclear weapons for pleasure “on his land,” he would surely be scrutinized by neighboring countries or populations. This scrutiny may escalate into a war if the neighboring countries or populations felt it necessary to eradicate this land owner to protect their well-being.
Owning land doesn’t have the same meaning as it may have hundreds of years ago. Increased population and government control have made many rules and regulation regarding land use. Although one may still be able to buy land as he chooses, he may be very limited as to what may be built, performed, experimented, or in an extreme case, detonated, on that land.
Okay, so I am not happy. I guess tomorrow I will have to try my darnedest to work at the physical sciences section.
:: Jane Dee 9:11:00 PM [+] ::
Going Nowhere Slow
Yesterday was just tedious.
All day I studied the last of my ochem cards and took three practice sets, 70 minutes each, on bio, ochem, and physics. I have no more practice chem sets. Of course I didn't do well on the sets. Always about 50%. I don't know what that means. Maybe I just suck.
You can tell Im becoming frustrated with all this studying. Its different when you study in school because there are tests and people to compete against. Here Im doing work that when I was 19, was something I knew in a snap. I didn't have to try to remember what the wave equation was, I knew it. Now I have to try to dig these things up from memory and keep then there even though I have no reinforcement. I am frustrated that I will get a 23 and be begging to get into a Caribbean school. I am hoping to get at least a 25 so I still have a shot at UA, but a 25 will at least get me to AUC.
Whats annoying about the MCAT is that at the end of the test, they don't give you a tentative score, like they do on the GMAT. I mean, it's on a computer so they could give you the score right there. Maybe not the writing score, but who cares about that really? I think they should score it tentatively so you can see if you have to retake the test. And I think they could even score your essays tentatively because one of your scores comes from a computer anyway. The GMAT uses computer technology to score a part of the essays. Well, I think I should write to them about that. I would rather see my score right away than wait a whole month to see them. Then I cant reschedule. Not that Im going to, but for other people.
Today will be taking a "full length" Kaplan MCAT test. This one is the old one so its 100 minutes a section. Im not even sure this is a good use of time, but maybe it will help something. After today, I go back to my cards and study them, making new notes and memorizing formulas now. Im already starting to memorize some more, so that is good. I hope to get through all the cards by Wednesday, but Im sure it will be more like Thursday. Then I can take test #6 Friday or Saturday. Then just keep going over my notes, cards, and MCAT stuff, then take test #11 on Tuesday or Thursday. Then the real test will be that following Saturday.
And then wait.
Well, Im going to start my test in a few minutes. I will be working on this until 6 or 7 tonight!
:: Jane Dee 9:57:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.12.2011 ::
I Don't Know Where To Park
I went to the Prometric test site this morning and drove around the parking lot, but I am not sure where to park. It doesn't look like there is a specific section for prometrics people to park in. I went inside to ask someone, but no one was there. Oh well. It was easy to get to, but far. I am hoping the day of the test, there won't be any construction. I should drive there again next week, just to see if there are any signs on the road telling me of future problems. Around here, they do everything on Saturday. Otherwise, I have to take the streets, which would mean I have to get up a lot earlier.
So I didn't finish my ochem cards yesterday. I was just so sick of them. I decided to watch footage on the tsunami instead. Im just about ready to take my "Full Length Practice MCAT" in a few minutes after I finish this post. Well, its not full length, its actually longer. I have the old Kaplan book which I guess was printed when they still gave paper tests? It has the old layout of 77 questions in 100 minutes. So I will actually be taking a longer test, but that will be sufficient anyway.
Oh no! That old printer finally ran out of ink! It's time for the new one. I just tried to make a copy of the answer grid, but it ran out of cyan. So I tried to refill the cyan with the inks in the other cartridges, but it wasn't reading the cyan anymore. It just said "no cartridge." Well, it was bound to happen. I just didn't think this printer would last for another, what, six months? Five? I guess I can call the dump now and have them haul away all our broken things: the old blown out lawn mower, the broken weed whacker, the broken TV, some old ugly blinds, the under performing paper shredder, and I guess this old printer.
But now what will I do for a grid? Install a new printer now? UGH.. I guess....
:: Jane Dee 3:02:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.11.2011 ::
It always amuses me when someone corrects me to the incorrect word. I went into Home Depot today to buy some rebar for my tree (to use as supports). I walk up to an associate and ask her if they sell rebar. She says "Rebarb? You mean rebarb?" I say "You know the long metal poles for cement." and she tells me where the "rebarb" is. I didn't correct her even though I probably should have since she works in a large hardware store. I wonder if rebarb is in the same family as rhubarb. Hmm.
Anyway, it was really slow at the hospital and everyone was talking about that huge tsunami that hit Japan. I kept seeing snippets of it on the TV in the waiting room everytime I walked by with a wheelchair. I guess some parts got real messed up. And that wave hit Hawaii, Alaska, and the whole west coast. It supposedly destroyed some boats in California somewhere, but I couldn't watch the news. I guess I will have to catch up on it later.
Its also warming up here real nice. It been over 80 degrees for a few days now. Since its warming up, I, well, TJ because he promised, will dethatch the entire backyard and trim all the plants and repot some plants that are outgrowing their pots. I have to trim the tree in the front and use the "rebarb" I bought to support it. I had crappy wood ones, but they all snapped in the wind. When I first bought the wood stakes, TJ said to get the metal ones, but I said no because the wood was prettier and I didn't want rust all over my hands. Well, I guess I should have listened. But its doing well. It commemorates our wedding since I bought it with some of the money we received at the wedding. But if we move then oh well!
Im also not interested in studying anymore stuff today but I have to! I have to get through those ochem cards and then take another set of dreadful practice tests. Then, of course, the fun begins tomorrow when I "play MCAT" and wake up and get dressed and drive over to the testing site. I will drive over to the library to pick up my book, then go home and take a whole practice MCAT test (from Kaplan) with two essays (from the MCAT website). I am trying to see how long my contacts will hold up when I have to put them in at 0530. It is going to be a long, dreadful day tomorrow. Then on Sunday (oh wait its Easter, maybe not...) I will take MCAT test #6 with essays. We'll see if I get another 25. I wish this test was like the pre-NLN, where I got a 99th percentile and say "boy that was a sily test." But this test is a little harder than the pre-NLN. I'd say by about 8,000 miles. I didn't study for the pre-NLN, I didn't even know we had to take a test. Those were the days.
So what to do?? I am so sick of these cards! ARGH! I guess I just have to suck it up and not be lazy.
Well I will try! Here I go.
:: Jane Dee 5:31:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.10.2011 ::
No More Soup, And Ready For Questions
Ha! I just finished my bio cards. Now I have about two hours to at least do the MCAT bio questions. If I have time, I can do another hair-pulling Kaplan set, but I doubt it since I have to make dinner soon.
So here I go again on my own Going down the only road Ive ever known Like a [twister] I was born to walk alone...
(This was my version of they lyrics when I was like, five or so. Then when I said "twister" I would pretend I was a tornado and twirl around and knock things over.)
I actually feel good today! That hardly ever happens. My mind is operating at probably 97%, and my body is going at about 98%. I can't remember the last time I felt this good.
So I completed another practice set in biology. I did better on that one, but who knows, its Kaplan. I woke up and did a practice ochem set and didn't do well on that, but they asked things that aren't on the MCAT syllabus. So who knows about that one either. Next stop is finishing my bio cards. Then I will take an MCAT practice set and a Kaplan practice set in bio. Then tomorrow I can start on the ochem cards. Then on Saturday, I can do a Kaplan full length test, after I go to the testing center. Sunday I will then do MCAT test #6 on Sunday at 0800 like the real test. I will wake up at 6 or whatever, and eat breakfast, get dressed, put my contacts in and act like its the real test. I want to see how I feel about the glasses and what Im wearing. Maybe I will wear sweatpants? Glasses? That is what I intend to find out.
What is interesting is that as I am studying, especially when I am doing the Kaplan tests, I pull my hair out. Now, Ive had this problem for a long time and I do have to control it. However, I haven't been able to control it and I have pulled half of my right eyebrow out and many parts of my scalp until bleeding occurs since I started studying non-stop for this test. I was telling TJ that I may not have any hair left when the MCAT rolls around. So I decided I needed some alternative and it occurred to me yesternight: Silly Putty! Why? Well, I need something that will allow me to scratch at it but not disintegrate. I also needed something that won't make my hand smell or stain my hands or make them too sticky if I have to write. Silly Putty fits the bill. I can safely stab at it with my nails or squeeze it to death. Silly Putty will save my hair!!
When the MCAT is over, Im going to buy myself a steam straightening iron. And maybe go out to eat at that Indian place... mmmm.
Okay bio time again.
:: Jane Dee 2:44:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.09.2011 ::
Back To Bio
Now that I have wasted enough time with grocery shopping, I can get back to bio stuff. I hope I can get through most of, if not finish, these cards by 8pm. Im currently going over blood and circulation. There are about 120 cards left! So that's one card a minute...
Look at me, Im up and not too sleepy. I guess if I go to sleep by 2300, I will be good to wake up at 0530. And on test day, that should give me enough time to get there. I will find out this Saturday. The MCAT starts around THIS TIME in 17 DAYS!!
So today's agenda is getting through some more bio cards, go to lab, buy crickets and cereal and stuff like that, then finish the bio cards, take a bio practice set. I will take the bio set even if I don't finish the cards though. There are about twice as many bio cards as any other cards, so it is taking me much longer. I don't think I will have time to work on those brochures, so maybe this weekend after I finish ALL the cards, maybe Saturday night.
When I finish all the cards, hopefully Saturday, I plan to take MCAT Test #6 on Sunday, in the morning at 8am, the whole shebang, with two essays. I will wear my contacts and see if they hurt and I will see if I fall asleep. Then that whole week I will go through all my cards and read all my notes, and make new notes to memorize important formulas or concepts I haven't been able to wire into my brain yet. I assume it will be a rough week. Then, I will take my last unused MCAT Test #11 on that Saturday and hope I can get a decent score.
The week of the test, I will just keep going through my cards, notes and maybe retake all the MCAT tests to refresh. Ugh! Just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt! IEEE!!!
Oh yeah I think I also have a midterm in bchem. Dang! I will have to fit it in somehow. It's still not posted. Oh well, she said it wasn't going to be too hard. I wonder if it's timed online or sent in? We'll see. Oh yeah and that PowerPoint project. Hm. That shouldn't take too long. I think that is due at the end of the semester anyway. Maybe I will work on it right after MCAT is done.
Well I guess I will work on my bio cards. Im waiting for TJ to wake up so I can shower. I definitely need one. I was too tired last night! I hate sleeping unshowered. Then I feel like I have to wash all my sheets or something. Well, I guess Im not that dirty.
Okay it's peanut butter bio time!
:: Jane Dee 7:16:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.08.2011 ::
Not The Greatest Score Ever
But it was an old Kaplan test, so maybe that is the excuse. On this test, I got a whopping 23: 11v, 6p, 6b. My "best" area (besides verbal) was ochem, and my worst was physics. I think I am noticing a pattern with Kaplan: I suck at Kaplan physics. MCAT physics, not as bad. Well, given the wide range of my scores (22, 23, 23, 25, 28) I am not sure if I am on to something yet. I will have to take the next to MCAT practice tests to find out. Of course, when I do figure out what the pattern is, my test will be a few days away. Well, if I finish my cards in bio and ochem this week, I will take that next MCAT practice test on Sunday, because Saturday I plan to drive to the testing place at the correct time to see where it is and how long it takes to get there. That way I can maximize my sleep time.
Next week is spring break, so I have a whole uninterrupted week of MCAT studying. I can go over all of my cards, and take the last Kaplan practice test and last official MCAT test I have, test 11. That test I havent took, and it is the newest, so that test should give me the best idea of where I will be come test day. I will also do the two essays when I do test 11. It will be very authentic.
Now I am deciding if I should go out and get crickets for my lizards or go tomorrow when I will be driving anyway. Hm. I think tomorrow. I can get on the highway and get the crickets. Yeah that sounds better.
So now I am sad about my scores of course! Stupid test! Well, I just got to hope I do well the day of. All I can do is keep studying. Unless its Caribbean school time!
:: Jane Dee 5:26:00 PM [+] ::
MCAT Prompt #3
Popular entertainment is rarely excellent entertainment
Describe a specific situation in which entertainment might be both "popular" and "excellent." Discuss what you think determines when entertainment can be both "popular" and "excellent."
There are many forms of entertainment today. There are ancient forms, such as singing, dancing, and music, and newer forms such as theater. There are even newer forms today such as movies and video games that incorporate many older forms and change its delivery. Changing the mode of delivery has made many types of enetertainment available to more people than ever before, and can reach all types of socio-economic groups. This kind of availability has made some forms of entertainment more popular than others.
Some people may argue that the popularity of a form of entertainment decreases its value to society or the arts. However, there are many examples of popular types of entertainment that are of excellent value in their message, the types of art forms utilized, or the art of delivering the entertainment piece.
For instance, movies are a popular form of entertainment, watched by millions of people each week. There are many movies that have become enormously popular such as Schindler's List, or The Lion King, that kept their value depsite their popularity. Schindler's List may have been seen by millions, but that does not decrease the powerful depiction of the Holocaust. The Lion King may have been seen by even more people, but that also does not decrease its value as a cinematographic masterpiece of animated movies.
This can also extend to other forms of entertainment. Broadway musicals are a good example. The play Cats had been one of the longest running Broadway shows in history. It is true many people enjoyed this play, but that does not decrease it's value in its contribution to songwriting and theatrics. Even traditional art forms like ballet can be popular. The Nutcracker has been a tradition for Christmas for generations. Certainly, there will be few who will say that this ballet lost all of its value to society because the vast majority of people love the music and dances. Classical music was also "popular music" at one point. Though some composers, like Mozart, have transcended time and are still popular today, they are most certainly not viewed as limited in thier contributions and value to society then and now.
It may be true that some forms of modern entertainment are fleeting and do not have much value now and certainly won't have much tomorrow. These types of entertainment will always be there to fill the gaps between the gems of entertainment that rise to the top and become enormously popular with all kinds of groups of people. These types of entertainment will never lose their value and will last for hundreds of years because of their message, their beauty, their artistic expression, and their quality. ***********************************************************************
okay what did you think? I wrote this with THREE MINUTES to spare, so I went over it as best as I could. I see a spelling error! Oh no! Well, whatever. This one was an easy question. I think I answered it well enough to get a 4.
Maybe tomorrow I will write another one. I will take a short recess then get on that practice MCAT!
:: Jane Dee 12:55:00 PM [+] ::
Done Wit Da Midterm!
Well I made short work of that part of the test. Im glad I have this woman this semester! I have plenty of time to prepare for the MCAT. I hope it will be worth it. I need a 30+!!!!
I had sent my math professor a note about when the application cycle will start (early May) and that he can start writing the letters now or later, but I will send him everything he needs to know later. He may be opening the letter right now!!!
I am also considering getting some brochures done to accompany my business card or photo for the secondary and interviews. They are on sale and they are much cheaper than the custom folders. I would even have some money to spare for pens if I decide to do that. I may work on them tonight. We'll see.
In a bit, Im going to do that practice exam that came with my old Kaplan MCAT book. Before I do that I will get an essay in. I will type it up on here again. I will choose one at random. I hope I don't get a stupid question!
Other than that, there is not much else. My whole life right now is devoted to getting into medical school. Morning, noon, and night. 18 days until the MCAT, HOLY COW!! At least I don't have too much to do with the verbal section except SLOW DOWN when I read. Once I read it normally, I got a much higher score. And I use that highlighting function often. And DON'T READ INTO THE QUESTION. That may have been the best advice I got about that section. ANSWER what they ASK, not what you think they MAY be asking.
Okay now Im going to make copies of my test, put that away and get started on my essay.
:: Jane Dee 11:18:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.07.2011 ::
Let's Get Physical
My class went okay today. We had the first part of our midterm! That was a surprise. The other half: take home! YAY!!!!! For my bchem class, I have to do a PowerPoint presentation on some topic in bchem. I think I want to do digestive enzymes. They are pretty interesting. I can even post it on here! That would be a laff riot!
Anyway, I feel MUCH BETTER today. I even finished up my second set of physics questions from Kaplan. I didn't too great on those, but that is expected. When I did the MCAT ones, I get about two wrong a section. I even got one whole section CORRECT for once!
So now I am going to finish up my midterm assignment and then do the MCAT practice test on the computer from Kaplan. Im sure I will score horribly again.
:: Jane Dee 4:37:00 PM [+] ::
Well I didn't do much yesterday because I wasn't feeling well. I was queasy and had a headache for half of the day then I was too tired so I just relaxed the rest of the day. I guess it wasn't all a waste, its the only day TJ and I have off together.
What is interesting is that it is getting harder for me to wake up at 0500. Ive been getting out of bed closer to 0600. I think I need to go to bed earlier. Right now at 0748, I would be checking in at the MCAT test, and I am not fully awake. So this week I will go to bed at 2200 whether I feel sleepy or not. I HAVE to be more alert on the day of the exam. I mean, I probably will just because Im nervous, but who knows? Its not like its impossible for me to fall asleep during the test.
I am feeling better today and I hope that my class goes well and I can get some studying in today. Im not sure if I want to finish going over all my cards before I take my next MCAT practice test or not. I think it would be a good idea if I did finish the cards, no? I could take a Kaplan practice test, but I may get too frustrated by the format again. Hmm. Well I have about two hours before TJ gets up, so maybe I should just go over my cards. Its easy, passive, and won't frustrate me. Then I can go to class.
Well, we'll see. Im not sure of anything and I basically am winging everything.
:: Jane Dee 7:45:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.06.2011 ::
Went Anyway
I wound up going to TJ's brother's wedding yesterday. I didn't know TJ was going to leave early to come back by 7pm. Since he promised I wouldn't have to play the nagging time wizard, I went. And we DID leave by 330pm and got back at about 630pm just like he planned! On the way up I finished studying my physics cards and on the way back I got some more bio cards in. Then we ate some a little and I did MCAT practice questions in the MCAT book and some Kraplan questions. I actually got ONE WHOLE SECTION RIGHT in the MCAT book!! AMAZING!
Anyway, the wedding was alright. Most of the people there were from her side of the family. She is from Kansas. There were two guys in the kitchen and one was wearing a hat with a confederate flag on it, so I turned to TJ and said "Who are the Confederates?" and TJ looks at me as if I said a curse. Later he said he didnt realize one of them had a Confederate hat on. I thought it was funny because I know how much Confederate pride some people have. Being from New York, I thought would make interesting conversation, but no one introduced me, so oh well. TJ was like "I didn't know if saying that would be a problem" and I said "Oh please, if you are wearing a Confederate hat, you are obviously very proud to be called a 'Confederate' and Im sure he wasn't offended." Im not sure if he was from Kansas, because I don't think Kansas was part of the Confederacy.
The bride had a nice dress and the ceremony was pretty short. Afterwards, we came back to the house and had sandwiches. I wasn't too thrilled about the "mystery meat" sandwiches, but I ate one and I still have a headache. I am not sure if its because I ate the sandwiches, the wedding cake, or just being up there with all those kids. But anyway, I don't feel too good now. The week of the test, I cannot eat anything processed or weird so that I don't get sick from something. Otherwise, I have to load up on Tylenol.
So today I hope to get through the rest of the bio cards and take the practice questions in the MCAT book and MAYBE some Kraplan questions. I can't stand these Kraplan questions because I get so many wrong and they are NOTHING like the real MCAT questions, as far as Ive seen. I couldn't even finish a whole physics section yesterday because the level of difficulty is so high that it seems like Im taking a test in school and is a waste of time. I do them for practice, but they don't help me at all. I wish I had money to buy more MCAT Practice tests, or all of them, but at $30 a pop, that just adds up too fast. I will have to do my best with what I can afford. I borrowed these Kraplan books from the library so they didn't cost me anything (thank you Scottsdale public library!). I did buy ONE Kaplan book, but its old (2005), but from what I saw in the bookstore, the review parts are exactly the same, so why spend money on a new version when it is the same thing? I didn't use it too much to make my study cards with. Just here and there. And it also comes with practice questions and a CD with a test on it. I may do the one on the CD this week before I take the next MCAT practice test. We'll see.
I better get some breakfast and take care of this headache. I might not be able to get too much studying in today. I should do the cards but I don't think I can stand another round of Kraplan. Its just too stressful to do such hard questions for nothing. Oh maybe I can write an essay later. That may work.
:: Jane Dee 7:37:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.04.2011 ::
UGH! No more! But I HAVE TO! Must finish physics cards. Then do a practice set. I am not excited.
In other news, my husband's brother is getting remarried tomorrow. He barely knows the woman. He got divorced in October-ish and is now marrying some woman he met on e-harmony. He has only visited her once before he proposed. This to me makes zero sense. Of course, I am not going to attend. I would actually RATHER study, even though I also MUST study.
I don't suppose we could ever visit them (TJs parents who also take care of his brother and his FIVE kids) because now the house will be full of people. The new wife is bringing her own FOUR kids. I am also more than certain that his brother will "have to" have MORE kids with his new wife, I mean that only makes sense in Nuttyville. This whole setup, to which I am barely scratching the surface of explaining, is complete insanity to me. Of course, TJ's father thinks its wonderful and will spend all the money he has and all the money he doesn't have to convert his barn into a new house and add all these bedrooms and on and on. I don't want to go to this "wedding" because I don't want to have to pretend I am happy for them because I am not. I think it is hypocritical for a supposed religious man to encourage his son to remarry. It is a sin, is it not? Not that I am keeping track of people's sins, but Im not going to approve of sinful behaviour or embrace it with open arms.
ANYWAY, looking at the recent statistics of UA-Tucson and UA-Phoenix, I think I will have to put UA-Tucson at the top of my list. I do this because they had FIFTEEN more women than men in the latest incoming class AND the oldest student was 39! (That is older than me!) Compare that with Phoenix's more even women:men ratio and no "older" students (oldest was 29), I will say that Tucson is definitely where I would fit in best.
And you know I wish people would stop saying "...but I digress..." that is SO 2003. Please stop. Unless you are British. Then maybe.
Okay so I guess its time for me to stop complaining and make some soup and read my stupid physics cards.
:: Jane Dee 5:42:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.03.2011 ::
Is The Score Half Right Or Half Wrong?
Who cares, you still got 50%.
So the chem section didnt work out too well. I guess that is what falling asleep on your test does. Either way, I wouldn't know the answers to the questions awake or asleep.
However, I am getting tired. I guess I will make dinner and get to bed. I have hospital stuff tomorrow anyways.
:: Jane Dee 9:44:00 PM [+] ::
Tired Already!
I finished the chemistry cards for now. I will visit them again of course. I also composed an update to my math professor about whats up with the application process. I guess I won't have the letterheads and stuff ready until the application opens up in May. Im not even sure if I will be able to send him the stuff to send to the right place until June, but I guess I will find out.
There is only about three weeks left until my MCAT. Boy, Im getting nervous. I think I said that already. Well, spring break is in a couple of weeks and I will use that week to make the final touches on this MCAT stuff.
Once this MCAT nonsense is over (I do not plan to retest unless I get a 20 or lower), I can focus on other things, like my personal statement, and making a plan on how to study for GMAT. I guess the format for the GMAT won't change until next June, so I may take it next year to maximize the time the scores are valid in case I do not get into UA dual degree. I will have five years to enter into an MBA program separately from any medical program I am in. I think I may try some online MBA programs like the one at ASU if I have to go to the Caribbean. Otherwise, I was going to apply when I am close to graduating and have an idea where my residency will be. I would pick a school close to that. Or, just do it online. Either way.
So now I am deciding if I want to take a crack at another chem practice set or do a physics practice set or just go over physics. Given than I am consistently sucking in the chem portion, I may wish to focus on chem. I still have some wacky Kaplan practice sets for chem I can do. Maybe they will have a question on SALVATION of ions again (heh heh).
*** By the way, for those of you out there that are using the same old Kaplan book with the organic question that has SALVATION as part of the answer, its a typo! I have asked two of my chemistry professors and they said there is no SALVATION in chemistry. IT IS SOLVATION. They made a mistake... among other mistakes, but who is counting, right? Pfft.
*** Also, the new, free practice MCAT test given online by Kaplan is pretty good! It seems harder than the actual MCAT, but the format and new questions and ideas they present are pretty similar. Take it! Its free! Dont be lazy! I say its harder than the real MCAT because I bought real practice tests from AMCAS. Anyone studying for MCAT should buy these tests. They are very good and they give you a good score breakdown and explanations to all questions.
Okay so I decided Im going to exhaust my last chem practice set. Good luck to me!
:: Jane Dee 7:54:00 PM [+] ::
This morning I spent talking to TJ about my strengths and weaknesses. Things that I may need to know about myself in order to answer questions on a school interview. I was trying to decipher if I was bossy or a leader. And if I had hit a glass ceiling at Fedex. And if people actually like me.
Well, I do have a saying: I am a team player if I get to pick the team.
I am starting to think about this stuff because my GMAT process is coming up right after this MCAT. I am thinking about my traits and qualities that would make me think the MBA would be correct.
One question is "So to ask again, is there a difference between being a natural born leader or being bossy?" I found this question online as well someone answered: "Sure there's a difference. It all depends if I'm describing myself (natural born leader) or someone else(bossy). Does that help?!?"
I also found some info on leadership qualities (as if I havent read enough book son this topic). One quote is "Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric Co., said, "Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion."
Whats funny is that as I do some research on what qualities I have, I realize that I have many of these supposed leadership qualities. For a very long time I wondered why I couldn't get where I wanted to at Fedex. I used to think that maybe I needed to be more this or have more that. I did everything to show what kind of person I am, but to no avail. Then when I went to ASPIRE meetings, I met some managers that were total crap, you wonder how they got the job. I always thought maybe I am lacking something, or it must be me. Now that I am away from Fedex, I realize that it isn't me at all. It is Fedex. I once read Fred Smith say in an article that his company cant attract the best MBAs. I know why. They hire morons to be managers and those managers hire more dummies when they get promoted. The chain of idiots continues. Not all are dumb, but Ive met too many that are. I won't go off on a long tangent about this, but I am beginning to see that I may thrive in a different environment, preferably one that values education and real leadership traits.
Anyways, I should get back to studying. I have about three weeks to the MCAT. I am going to go through the chemistry and physics cards until my head explodes. Well, maybe not, but I will go over those sections more than the biology. Im going to go through my chem cards and physics cards then take another crack at the MCAT questions from the MCAT book. I am going to do ALL the questions I have before this test comes, you'll see. Im sure it will do me no good, but I have to practice with something!
My CD is on its last song... time to study!
:: Jane Dee 1:50:00 PM [+] ::
Gettin' Up There
Yesterdays Kaplan test yeilded a score of 28. 7P (again??) 11V(wow!) 10B. So now I am concerned that I am going to screw up the physical sciences section. So I intend to keep working hard on that one for now.
At least my face stopped burning! Im glad it wasn't BROMINE. I would be mad.
:: Jane Dee 10:16:00 AM [+] ::
:: 3.02.2011 ::
I am waiting for my free MCAT test from Kaplan to load. I have a bit over an hour before it starts. Im so tired. Im sure I wont do as well as I would like to.
Anyway, Im feeling a little bummed about my upcoming test. I was talking to someone in my class who has been accepted to some top schools. I didn't ask him what he got on his MCAT. Im sure its better than I will get. I just wish sometimes that things went my way earlier. I guess I am what happens when you grow up in a hard environment.
In any case, I am fixing some necklaces to send back to my mother. I should probably make some coffee. In lab, the same guy I was talking to about MCAT spilled the chemicals we were working with and some hit my face. It still stings a bit. I hope I don't get face cancer. I guess Im glad it didnt get into my eye.
I guess I will finish these necklaces.
:: Jane Dee 4:49:00 PM [+] ::
:: 3.01.2011 ::
Hooray! It added another square!!!
Now I can be in peace. Just so you know, I reset it to unique pages views so it will be slow counting again.
Okay, NOW I can get back to aldehydes and ketones!!!!
:: Jane Dee 3:59:00 PM [+] ::
Okay, okay, aldehydes, yes, yes, Im going...
:: Jane Dee 3:02:00 PM [+] ::
Keep Downloading!!
Hey people! Keep downloading my blog! Im almost at 10,000!
....will it add another square????????
:: Jane Dee 2:54:00 PM [+] ::
24 Days Left!
I have 24 days until the MCAT. Will I pull it off? I don't know!
All I know is that I have my bchem midterms during that week. I am going to try to see if the professor can move the ochem midterm to the week after (like March 31???). UGH!!!
I was working on my aldehydes chapter this morning, but Im not sure if I should try to finish it up to where we are, or do some MCAT studying. I think I will finish the chapter. I don't want to fall behind in case the midterm is going to be that week. I still need to get an A in ochem!
Then the next question is what to study today for MCAT. Do more chem? Maybe work on bio some more? Physics? I don't have much time left. Ive been generally confused about how to tackle this test, but I guess its been okay.
Well, I guess its back to aldehydes and ketones.
:: Jane Dee 2:32:00 PM [+] ::