:: The Headache Diaries (Retired) ::

:: The Headache Diaries (Retired) ::

Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021

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:: 6.29.2005 ::

Whoa is me

This week is long. This is my last week of cognition class and I am finishing the paper that is due tomorrow. Then I just have one class, and I can finally get some sleep!

Right now I am really nauseous.


:: Jane Dee 9:32:00 AM [+] ::
:: 6.26.2005 ::
Crackers and Ccheese Holdover Deformation

Now that its the last week of one of my summer classes, I can log on here for a bit and complain about how tired I am. Sure, I could be sleeping since it's almost 2am and I have to get up at 5am, but what fun would that be?

Anyway, I have two tests and a paper due this week that I am wondering when I will have the time to study for. I have about two pages of notes for the second class and nothing read for this weeks final for the first class. I guess I will have to read the stuff on the train, again. I was also thinking about being absent on TUesday from the first class because I have no second class. I suppose that woul dhelp me catch up for the test on Wednesday in the second class, but then I'd miss a lot of information from the first class, which has a final that week anyway. Man, I never get to use my absences. Sigh.

I am not looking for an A in that first class. This has been a rough semester with work and all. I just hope I dont get lower than a B. I think Im still in the ranks for an A- though, but I'm not counting on it.

I can't wait until I finish school. I will finally be at ease. This has taken way too long as it is. Now I just have to figure out what happens next, but that can wait. Securing my BS will be a joyous event. Yay me!

As of right now, I have to figure out wheather or not I want to go to sleep or "read" some more. Since it's almost 2am, I may pick the former. I plan to stay in school late (i.e., until the latest I have to leave to get to work on time occurs) tomorrow so I can study as much as I can. Tuesday will be the same crap.

So today I went to Queens to see Billy Graham give his sermon or whatnot. Besides the crazy lady who was yelling "Someone stole my chairs! I want my damn chairs!" to the rookie rent-a-cops, it was nice. Whoo Hoo Jesus!

Okay I guess its time for "bed"

:: Jane Dee 10:47:00 PM [+] ::
:: 6.16.2005 ::
There are Flies on the Windscreen

Okay, I am very, no extremely tired and I am just about to pass out. This summer school is going to be my death.

Anyway, today we got back our journal critiques from my cognition class and I got "only" a B+... now I can look at that two ways 1) what a horrible grade, I can't believe I screwed that up or 2) hey not bad for typing the first half at work at midnite then the other half after finishing up my first paper that I managed to do the same day and not really knowing what the hell I was writing.

To preserve my sanity, I will opt for choice (2).

However, I had to take the second test in cognition class today and rest assured I bombed that one. I have the possibility of getting up to 5 wrong, most likely 4, out of 15. I can look at that two ways 1) what a horrible grade, I can't believe I screwed that up or 2) Considering my circumstances, and the fact that I got 100% on the first test, this aint so bad. If I get a B in this course that wouldn't hurt me that much.

I will opt for choice (2) because I don't even have time to dwell on this. Call it rationalization, but I need to survive.

My experimental class is going okay. I got a 10/10 on my references draft, so I'm ok with that. This weekend I have to write a paper for each class again, but this time I will be prepared. I have most of my sources printed out and read. I just have to get cracking. If I can make a good paper in cognition class, I still have a chance for an A... minus, lol. Well, lets see:

Attendance: 10% (Im surprised I make it on time too)
Participation: 25% (this also takes attendence into account, I havent been absent, and I talk a lot)
Journal Critique: 15% (I got a B+ whats that an 87-ish?)
Research Question: 5% (done that already... these things don'r get graded, just checked!)
Quizzes: 15% (four of them so each one is about 4% of grade, and so far my grades are 100, and an estimated 75)
Reference list and articles: 5% (i am using the same topic from my expermental class. I just have to reprint that one lol)
Draft of paper: 5% (no grade either, just a check. I will do that this weekend)
Final paper: 20% (THIS one I will do good. I didnt even put proper references on the last one whoops)

Okay, maybe I shouldn't be so concerned yet. Everything will be okay.

Right now, I am trying to "kill time." Although I don't like to engage in such violent activities, especially violence against time, I am too tired too read, look up references, or do some other academia oriented work. About the only thing I can do now is make copies. And I will do that.

ok. I think Im done. Time to go and make copies. Then go to work exhausted and have to deal with Ravioli. HAW HAW

:: Jane Dee 12:20:00 PM [+] ::
:: 6.15.2005 ::
Oh Lord Save Me

Summer school is killing me. Between work and school, I get about 2.5 hours of sleep a night. I havn't slept like this since 2003... and I know the outcome of that... a crash!

I doubt I will crash like I did, but this is rough. I only have two more weeks to go in the class that starts so early. All I have to do is make some time to write my papers and read all that stuff we were supposed to...

I am still not permanent at work yet although I have been driving to the airport for about three weeks now. I like the position, but I get so sweaty it's gross! I am going to seriously consider showering at work instead of waiting until I get home because I have to turn on the furnace and boil the water etc etc to take a shower. What should be five minutes takes 20. Anyway, I am going to annoy my manager all week. He said he got my papers underway. Well, he better. I want to get some health coverage already. And of course, the higher pay.

This weekend was so rough, I couldn't even think about all the things I wanted to think about. I had two papers to write in ONE day and I was so tired (still am). I fall asleep anywhere now. Except on the road which is a good thing I guess.

The only good thing that came out of this is that I won't have to scan the cage when I come back from the airport. They got some annoying guy to scan it so I will have more time to go home and read... unless they make me do what i did last night and scan everything that was near the conveyor belts... I scanned 860 pieces last night in 30 minutes. I was sweating so much, yuck.

That is a good thing as well as a bad thing. Good thing in that I can go home earlier, bad thing is that I get one less hour of pay. I think it will benefit me more since I could use the time to sleep or read what I hadn't read yet :P

Right now I am waiting for a lab to start. I am so tired and hungry. I don't want to eat much because there is a BBQ going on at work and I suppose I could eat there. I should be reading some stuff for class, but my eyes are so tired ugh.

Oh yeah, the psi chi thing should be completed next week. I went to my professor and he is going to help me get in as soon as possible. Our goal is to have everything prepared so I can just bring it to the chair and have him sign it. Supposedly the prof who is in charge of psi chi is not here or isn't doing the job well. Whatever the case is, I hope that I can get in very soon. I want my pin and stole :)

Okay, I should get some coffee and read SOMETHING. I have a quiz tomorrow. I will also be writing at least one of my papers this weekend. I'm going to have to go to KCC this Friday because of the fiasco on saturday, I had to go to Kinko's and print up my stuff and it was not cheap. Let's just say I need to use up my Alumni dues. badly. I hope the nice computer lab will be open. I hate the library lab.

ugh my head/body bleh

:: Jane Dee 9:00:00 AM [+] ::
:: 6.09.2005 ::
So..... Cold....

You know, when I first came to CCNY, they didn't have A/C. In fact, they had reverse A/C. Hot, humid air would be pumped in on the fifth floor from a place that smelled like sweaty socks (gym?). Now that this school has decided to fix the A/C, it's freezing in here! I feel like Im at KCC. I actually brought a wool sweater with me today and Im still cold. I can't wait to go outside!

So classes are going well. I haven't had much sleep lately. 3.5 hours tops. Ever since I started doing the shuttle, I come home at about 1am, take a shower, arrange the bookbag and go to sleep. Then wake up at 5:30am. At least it's only for a month. Then this morning class will be over and my day will start at 11:30. WHEW!

I wanted to see my stats prof about Psi Chi but I was too tired this week. He is in his office from 7:30 - 8:30 am, so if I want to see him, I'd have to leave my house around 6. Which means I have to get up at 5. Which means even less sleep. ugh.

Still have to figure out the finances. I want/need a class ring! And that car I saw (wink wink!!).

Hey so guess where I'm going tomorrow! I'm going to march at the KCC graduation with the alumnus! I get to wear a yellow robe and get a free breakfast. Can't top a free breakfast. It will be fun. I can see how everything has changed. Good (bad) 'ol days.

Good grief, this guy in this lab is "singing" and he sounds like a mental patient wailing. Oh boy... there he goes again.

I have a lot of homework to do this weekend and I HOPE i don't have to come back to CCNY to do it. I need journal articles and i hope I can get them from SciLib in Manhattan. (fingers crossed)

Okay gotta go. This guy is annoying me.

:: Jane Dee 1:34:00 PM [+] ::
:: 6.07.2005 ::
I can just pretend I am in KCC

Silly me, I forgot I only had one class today. Oh well, at least I can read, right?

Well, all is well so far. I have a lot to do this week/end.

HOLY PANDA! My GPA is magna cum laude!!
Not a bad comeback for the mess I had made before... wow! if I get As for the rest of my credits, I might be able to graduate summa cum laude... ohhh and we get a cord to wear at graduation! ooh that would make three...

Anyway, I have to sit down quietly and figure out a few finacial thingies. I have to see about getting a new(er) car. I have to get rid of mine first, but I still need the title. Ha, the DMV said they would call me back. Yeah when pigs fly. SQUEEEEEEEE!!!

I also have to buy my ring, but I think I will wait until after the summer, when I get my grades, HAHA!!

This isn't working. This lab is NOT the KCC lab. sigh. I guess I should go and get some roacha coffee and read my book in the library.

:: Jane Dee 9:14:00 AM [+] ::
:: 6.06.2005 ::

FINALLY after all this waiting, I got my grades! Can you guess what I got?

Sadly, I did not manage to get A+. However, I did manage to get two A's for stats and the drug counseling class. Yay me!

My stats prof told me someone had a perfect paper. And it wasn't me :( I got 5 pts off for some stupid error. Oh well, that's how math and me always worked. Flawed. But hey, at least this flaw wasn't so bad!

Today was the first day of class and things went good! My profs are cool and I hope I accomplish much. I am eager to do well (again). I think I can pull it off, even with work.

One of my classes required the purchase of a $99 book. I bought one that was shrink wrapped, just in case, and lo and behold, the prof had all the books we needed on reserve! So, I calculated the cost of copying the book, and found I would save about $75 doing so. Hm. Guess what I was doing for two hours. HA!

So I am happy; so far so good. I have all the copies I need for one class, all the books I need for the other and all my grades are in. Now all I have to do is go back to my stats prof this week and tell him to help me get signed up for Psi Chi.... then I will be excited!!! I hope it works!

Next week or so, I will order my class ring. Then I will see how I can afford a new(er) car. The one I have now doesnt stand a chance in this hot weather. I am thinking convertable, heheheheh!!! This weekend I will clean up my room (finally) and sit down and figure a lot of things out. Yup, I have big problems.

But I won't mention that until later if I even do. Right now, I want to bask in all my glory...



:: Jane Dee 1:30:00 PM [+] ::

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