Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021
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I just got off the phone with Meharry Admissions. Apparently the class is full. Well, thanks for telling me! I asked them for some kind of official rejection, and they said they will mail out "written communications" within a week. Right. If I don't get a rejection, I will call them until I do. I paid enough money to apply and go there to interview that the least they can do is send a letter.
Well, in any case, I am officially done with American medical schools. I had already come back from my visit to St. Vincent and I must say that Trinity School of Medicine is an excellent school. I am definitely going to apply there and if all goes well, I will matriculate there. I will post the pictures and video of my trip in a bit. I am working on it now.
I am excited about attending Trinity though. I was not expecting much when I went there, but my mind was quickly changed. I also had my admissions interview there and that went well. I sat in on all kinds of classes and the professors are very good. Yes, they speak excellent English. I also saw the anatomy lab, and it was tiny, but functional. I also went on the clinical day and saw a live c-section! I was amazed at the opportunities available at this tiny school. So, I am going to apply. The only thing that will keep me from not going there is a last minutes acceptance from somewhere, which is not going to happen.
The island itself is also nice. It is an active volcano so the soil is rich. A lot of things grow there. I bought so many fruits I didn't know what to do with them! There is plenty of fish, chicken, beef, and goat to eat, as well as all kinds of vegetables. I did not go hungry. The only thing is that processed foods are expensive. Which is good for me, but maybe bad for someone who doesn't cook often.
This trip worked out well for me and I was glad I went because I wouldn't have gave this school a chance. The people at the school, the hospital, and the island were very friendly and I was very comfortable there. Now I just have to finish my application and see what happens next. Yippee!
My score report came in! My scores are: 35V(74%), 34Q(36%), 6.0(91%)AWA, Total 570(54%)
Well, at least I got a perfect essay score!
I was looking at the info on Businessweek for ASU full time and I am just shy of the middle 80%. I wonder if this MD school doesn't work out, if I should apply to the full time program anyway. Hm. I guess I will know in a couple of weeks!
I leave for Trinity soon. I am going to check out that school from top to bottom. I even have an admissions interview when I get there. That is good for me so I don't have to do it over the phone. Or go to Atlanta. The only problem is what to pack. I think Liat has some restrictions on what you can bring as a carry on, so I may have to check my bag in. I'm going to look at their website again and what is the best way to pack.
I was kind of mad yesterday because of this whole med school thing. What a stupid thing. I'm still waiting for my rejection from Meharry. They have seven days left to tell me. I am sure they will wait for the last minute to tell me. I wasn't on their "priority" list so I don't think I will be accepted. Either way, I was annoyed about the whole application process, and for going to AUC without visiting and getting to know the school. Then I was thinking about Trinity and wondering if this was going to be a huge waste of time. But I guess I will see. I'm going to spend a week there so I should have all the answers I am looking for. I am really hoping this school is good.
But I am also glad that I have options. I know that I can do the MBA if this doesn't work out and I am happy with that. I mean, that was the original idea. I am also glad that I would be able to do supply chain part time at ASU. They didn't offer that a few years ago, so I am really excited that is an option now. Even though I was mad yesterday, I know that I have a good set of options ahead of me. And that makes me feel better.
Today, I have to go buy some stuff. A new hose (it broke somehow...?) and something else that I can't remember. I did buy all the groceries, I think. Oh yeah soap. I need to buy some soap. I better write this down before I forget again! Anyway, I guess that is all I have to do today. The rest of the day I will figure out what to pack and how much it weighs I guess.