Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021
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Im sure this is why I like math and physics better...
:: Jane Dee 7:19:00 PM [+] ::
I Hate Sulphur
You know why? Cuz its a favorite on tests because it doesnt obey the stupid "octect rule" which is hardly a rule since it applies to about 10 atoms. So after trying to figure out what sulphur's problem is, I see that I will just have to calculate formal charges each and every time. There is just no pattern with sukphur (appropriate typo). Maybe next time it will be sulkphur. Hm. Except for all but 5 atoms I will have to calculate formal charge. BOOO!
Well, at least I figured out what to do. On to the next thing.
:: Jane Dee 6:48:00 PM [+] ::
And So It Begins
Ive already been through one wekk and some of my ochem class and it hasnt been too bad. I got a perfect score on my first quiz, and we have nother one tomorrow. I think I totally screwed up my first lab and prelab, but she said she wouldnt grade it harshly so you can get used to it. I did have my first accident in the lab ever yesternight by spilling the sample we were working with all over the place including my lab coat (good thing I was wearing it!!) I felt stupid but shit happens.
The other funny thing that happened in lab was that someone tried to steal my lab bench! I was like, uh where is your drawer? and she was like over there but some other guy stole her bench. Im like well, Im not going to go across the room to use a bench, tell him to move back where he belongs. So eventually, it all worked out. I hate being bossy but oh well.
So I havent worked on my web pages but I hope to this weekend. I should be studying right now, so I will get to that when this post is over. I do plan to get that webpage finished by the end of the year. I think I would like to buy a program that can help organize my photos etc or some kind of scrapbooking program so I dont have to just post the pictures on a page. We'll see.
So far, my VAIO has been working well. I does take a while to boot up now so Im not sure what that means but we will see. I have been trying out different programs to buy for this computer. I am not sure if I will buy a new drawing tablet, but a new tablet comes with Painter Essentials and so far, I really like that program. I cant install Painter Classic on my newer computers so I need a new drawing program. I also have to buy a new Photoshop. I downloaded the trail and so far it seems to work well. This weekend I will test drive these programs with the pictures I plan to post online and see if it can handle the workload. If all goes well, I will either buy a new tablet with Painter Essentials and Photoshop or just Painter Essentials and Photoshop. I also have to wait until there is a Windows 7 compatible version of SoundForge. I really like that program too. Then I will see what kind of webpage software is out there. I have some now, but I dont know if it will install on my computer. I will try all this on the weekend.
As far as my labs are concerned I HATE LABS! Always have hated labs. I just think that for a one credit class, its a lot of meaningless work. Especially the keeping of the lab books. In this class I am to get some kind of carbon paper and make copies and submit all this nonsense... ugh! I typed up my report but that is not what she wanted. I hate writing things by hand but oh well. I will do what she says. Need the A, right?
So next week I start my first interview for a volunteer position. I have to get my recommendation letters together and see what happens. I have another interview the week after that. I hope to get two positions at two different places. Yesterday, I was working on my resume to submit to physicians when I go around and try to convince them to let me shadow them. That will definately be an undertaking. I hope to get with the clinic at the Salt River Community, but I dont know how these places work. Then I have to try to find a DO if I want to apply to DO school.
I guess I will be busy. Right now I think I should go over my notes for chapter 1, do all the problems and then do some of chapter 2. I don't know how far into chapter two we are supposed to go but she said it would be on the quiz tomorrow. So I will just do what I assume will be enough, which is usually more, ha!
:: Jane Dee 3:16:00 PM [+] ::
:: 8.26.2010 ::
Im Back!
Its been a while since I last wrote anything because I went on my trip to Alaska and then started my ochem class this week.
I hope to post the pictures online, but knowing that I havent posted any pics for years, Im not sure how far I will go with that. Anyway, I do have a lot to say about my trip and class, just not right now. I want to see the pictures I took first.
Yes I am very behind.
Oh yeah, and I am typing the first blog entry on my new VAIO. So far so good... after I fixed it of course.
:: Jane Dee 2:18:00 PM [+] ::
:: 8.06.2010 ::
Its 1236, Do You Know Where Your Biology Is?
(Cue music "Hallelujah")
Now I am going to go and buy myself a reward and then at 2pm, I will take my MCAT practice test!
I am now on my 200th index card for biology. I am not done yet... still a bit to go. I hope I can finish this half of the section now. We'll see...
:: Jane Dee 12:49:00 AM [+] ::
:: 8.05.2010 ::
OMG One Topic Left...
I can do it, I can do it...
:: Jane Dee 5:44:00 PM [+] ::
Yippee! I have one more page to go! Just Medelian genetics and that stuff and I AM FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!
I stayed up late last night finishing up my notes for evolution, I just finished the flashcards and I am GTG for this last page!
Tomorrow I take my second practice MCAT test. I hope I do a little better! I didnt do too bad on the first test, but I hope going over the biology will at least raise my score in that area. Well, we'll see.
Five 'till noon, and I am ready to go!
See ya on my next break!
:: Jane Dee 11:51:00 AM [+] ::
I can finish the flash cards for evolution tomorrow. I am sleepy!
:: Jane Dee 1:21:00 AM [+] ::
Must... Finish... Evolution...
I will finish... I just keep telling myself that... pfft. Don't know if I will, but I will still take the practice test on Friday.
I am going to work into the night until Saturday if I have to! I WILL finish!
In other good news, I finally got my Sony evaluated and I am going to get it traded in for $52! Hurray. I already ordered a new one and I hope that one lasts another eight years! Im going to buy a bread maker with the money.
Im now down to 130 pounds. Ive lost 20 pounds! Holy cow! I am not sure if I will want to get to 120, but we will see. I dont want to look too skinny, then you look old.
Im also starting to get worried about the volunteer stuff. No one has got back to me about orientation dates. I do have an appointment at SHC, but Maricopa hasn't got back to me and neither did Chandler. When I get back from my trip, I will launch an all out assault on hospitals and clinics to get something! I also need to find a DO. If I don't, I may not be able to apply to any DO schools! UGH!
So its back to work. I think I can do this section, embryogenesis, without watching the video.
Work, work, work....
:: Jane Dee 1:50:00 PM [+] ::
:: 8.01.2010 ::
Two And A Half Pages Left!
I will be done before I go on vacation, hurrah!
I just finished "Skin System" and am starting on "Reproductive System." Then I will have to watch the last four videos and finish up this crap. Whoo!
Now I just need to get some volunteer stuff in...
:: Jane Dee 5:26:00 PM [+] ::