Welcome! This blog is Retired. However, you may still enjoy some of the finer pages of vintage online ramblings out there! Inspired by the certainty of my headaches, "The Headache Diaries" may include my headache log, people, places, and things that I don't like, as well as people, places, and things that I do like. Blog officially retired 02.14.2021
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Today I took my first test in anatomy and I soooo did not get an A. I mean, I probably managed in the 80s but I need As. What good is this all for if I don't? And tomorrow I have a psychology test that I know I won't ace either because I didn't study enough. What is wrong with me? I've been so unmotivated lately. It also doesn't help when your palm pilot is crazy. I have to take dates down on various sheets of paper that I have to rummage to find later on. It also doesn't help when the library isn't "as open" as it is in the spring. I needed this weekend at the library but noooo. They had to close. Sigh. I hope that optional paper can be used as a grade if I get in the 80s. Oh I'm so nervous!
Well, on a better note, I passed CPR with an A and got certified. Cool now all I need is hepatitis vaccination and I should be good to go.
I better get back to studying this. I'm going to flip out!
:: Jane Dee 5:41:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.28.2003 ::
Hey this looks like my cat Chata, except Chata has more of a monkey face.
:: Jane Dee 10:55:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.27.2003 ::
So when I move...
I will be lonely and need a companion. And I found him here.
I think living in a motel for a while will make me a bit nervous, no?
:: Jane Dee 9:04:00 PM [+] ::
So if I can imagine a hot geologist getting me a really cool engagement ring.... hehehehe!
:: Jane Dee 3:17:00 PM [+] ::
Oh yeah
Forgot to mention that I took my first lab test and got a stinkin' 96. I will not have this crap! Good thing he drops the lowest grade. Whew.
And now I can't even study at the library because of Rosh Hashana. UUGgghhhh! I hate to study at home.
Well, on a good note, I lost a couple of more pounds. I'm only one away from the AF ideal. I do plan to lose more, but baby steps, baby steps. I want it to be a real loss not some crappy diet sheeyot. I've maintained my current weight for quite sometime now. This is great.
Oh yeah, I was looking through my old posts and realized I was supposed to post pictures of certain things. My visit to the Aerospace exhibit, the MS Tour and my summer vacation. Well scratch the exhibit, the pics are too boring for a general audience. The MS Tour maybe but only like one or two. The summer one can wait because I'm sure nobody is dying over it.
Okay I think it's time to study. I also think I took too many classes this semester. Well one of them will be over on monday so that ought to be a relief. Then I can be certified to give all the choking hotties rescue breaths... I would have said CPR, but no one looks good when they are almost dead.
I've always had strange dreams, usually violent in nature. Most of the times it resembles some battle situation... I have to defend myself against someone who has better weapons than me and most of the times, I don't even have a weapon! Sheesh. Anyway, this dream involved me warding off a stabber (who coincidently had a weapon that resembled that lancet we used in lab only about 700 times bigger... that lancet looked more like an ice pick by the way). I was with some Russian girl who I accidently pushed down the stairs (I didn't realize how skinny she was) and when I came to help her up, this guy appeared and was ready to stab her or me. So I got up and grabbed his arm with the blade. We struggled for a liitle and he knicked me with it but I eventually got it out of his hand. Then he started to run away and I chased him, I was signalling my friend in the car to follow him but I don't think he noticed. So I just ran and ran after him and was hoping to get him but I woke up.
Now the thing that interested me about this dream wasn't the dream itself but the way my heart was pounding! It was so LOUD. and it was like BUMP.....dum...........BUMP....dum..........BUMP.... etc. It was so weird. I thought it was going to break through my ribs. I think it's just weird when you can actually feel the blood flowing and hear it too. My brain is hearing this yet what the hell is my brain too? It's so complicated. And people don't belive in God, pffft.
:: Jane Dee 9:32:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.26.2003 ::
Hear I say...
When all my troubles have boiled down to managable salts
And I can see the sun through the window...
When I wake up without the nagging stiffness of the damaging memories
And the pain in my head has dissappeared...
When I find that the man I love loves me back
And I have no reason to fear the darkness...
When I can finally say "I made it" over and over
And believe every word I say,
I'll be everything I was meant to be.
I give up. You win.
:: Jane Dee 7:44:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.23.2003 ::
Oh by the way
I think I may have found the source of at least a few of my migraines. More on that later...
:: Jane Dee 11:23:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.22.2003 ::
Okay big suprise... headache! And a real one too... it hit me pretty hard in CPR class. I was able to do it but my head felt like it was going to explode... or my eye was going to pop out of my head.
So Lou liked my movie... cooooool!
:: Jane Dee 6:43:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.21.2003 ::
My heart is looking for...
Some websites! Because of my rough weekend, I had to put all this on hold uh oh, I'm in trouble! What if I don't get and A on this test?!?!
Okay... it looks like it's time for mega stress life once again!
I look online to see stuff about CPR. This is kinda cool... no wait, it's "FUN!!!"Here we have "Call, Blow and Pump." That sounds odd no? Don't forget to become skilled in PET CPR too! Then after, you can take the quiz to see if you have what it takes. I like this site because of the cool compression video thingy at the top of the page.
Well, I guess it's time to bid my friends good bye... Back to work!
:: Jane Dee 8:11:00 PM [+] ::
My site's total hits have really gone up lately... Mr Luis, there are other websites out there to visit too!
:: Jane Dee 2:54:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.19.2003 ::
Hey hey hey!
Got some new links. I was trying to find some tooth problem, but found oral pathology instead. Ah! Here it is!
So I woke up on a better note and have attributed my suffering (and back pain) to my monthly visitor. No, I did not use Stuart's equation because I did not have any initial complaints. I guess it doesnt always work, but I still like my equation.
I found an interesting site while I was searching for something I thought was called the abgar index. Then I found this site. Please note this is not for the faint of heart.
I don't want to get into it, but I am certainly not in the best of moods. I was feeling anxious all day and then got a stomach ache. Then I felt shitty. I went to CPR class and excelled at my first battery of tests, but that couldn't even make me feel better. Then I saw someone and wanted to punch someone in the face. But we can't have everything now can we?
Am I even making sense? Probably not.
How come we can only save ourselves? Why do I always have to do all the work? ugghhhhh
:: Jane Dee 5:43:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.14.2003 ::
Let's Go Bikers! (clap clap cla cla clap)
The MS Tour went well today. It actually started on time and I was one of the first groups done. I should have rode slower because I know I will have to take the bus tomorrow (ow ow owwww)! Anyway, I have some pictures, but will post them later. There weren't as many women as men, and the few women that were there looked gay. In fact, a lot of people looked gay and I think the grossest thing was a pile of bloody stools in one of the port-a-potties I used. I think people should refrain from such damaging ass sex. ANYWAY, it was a bit rainy and it was foggy. I got totally soaked from the gross water on the road but it was okay. We started at Battery Park City at 7:30 and rode on the FDR all the way to the end and took the streets to the tip of Manhattan. There was a mandatory rest stop there and they were handing out snacks and water. We had to reorganize and then started the tour again. We then went on the Henry Hudson Drive to the West Side Highway. Some of the slopes on the FDR are murder... not to mention huge potholes filled with gross water splashing in my face and in my mouth (ugh). After a ride down the WSH, we got rerouted to 11th Ave I think and then back to the WSH, where the finish line for the 30 milers (ME) was. There were people cheering us and all that crap. I got a T-Shirt for turning in more than $100 before the tour and they had sandwiches from Subway which were totally gross (lord knows what I had... some "ham" and white cheese with pickles and relish and mayo and ugh!), UTZ chips which are totally gross and snapple water which I now like more than poland spring (has anyone else noticed the nasty flavor of poland spring nowadays?) Well, we also got a "goodie bag" which was filled with nothing good. So as a souvenier I took my MS Tour sash home.
The coordinator or president for the NY Chapter is not one of my favorite guys. I don't wish to discuss the matter but everyone I know knows what I'm talking about. Before the tour started he was on the mic and he introduced his girlfriend and asked her to marry him and she squeaked and did all the typical girlie hoo-ha you see on TV. That was the lamest thing I've ever witnessed in my life. I swear if some guy asks me that in front of everyone like that, I'd be so embarassed... then I'd have to punch him for being so dumb. Well, I guess that's just me. And I certainly wouldn't "squeak"
I would also like to mention that my bike is clearly a superior bike. You should have seen all the cheap ten speeds who had flats at the beginning! Mountain bikes rule, especially when its a Specialized.
I did have a good time sweating myself silly. I will see if I will do this again next year.
:: Jane Dee 9:36:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.13.2003 ::
Back to talking about my school stuff
Anatomy lab was last Thursday and it involved us stabbing ourselves with a lancet and obtaining blood for a hematocrit. My values came out to about 45% which is great. We also used our blood to test for anemia using some color chart. Well, My blood was pretty dark and was in the 95% - 100% hemoglobin (to about 15 grams) range. Cool.
The funny thing about this lab was that the lancets we used we quite big and wide. They weren't thin and needle like. It was difficult to get people to stab themselves and for some reason, the men were the worst. I thought men were supposed to be tough. Pffft. Wimps. Please I had to stab myself over and over to fill up that capillary tube. Talk about threshold of pain. OUCH!
Now I have to think about whether I want to join the Nursing Club or not. I guess it would be nice, but the thing is that all the ideas I have for fairs and stuff are taken by the community health club or whatnot. Well, at least they didn't steal my top secret idea to raise money. Heheheh.
Okay, I think it's time i finished cleaning my room, no?
:: Jane Dee 7:35:00 PM [+] ::
News Update!
Since tomorrow is the MS Bike Tour, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for sponsoring me in this year's MS Bike Tour. As a special thank you, I will wear the names of all my sponsors on a special shirt that I will wear on my tour. Thank you all again, your kindness is greatly appreciated! Wish me luck!
Now that I saw him I want him! There are some Australian Blue Lobsters at a fish shop (pet fish) near me and they are so cute. I was thinking baout getting a crayfish, but these guys took my breath away. I don't know if I want one at $40, but I'll think about it.
:: Jane Dee 10:05:00 AM [+] ::
:: 9.09.2003 ::
That crazy bitch prof surprised me by being the prof the another class I had. The funny thing was that I waited on the program change line to drop her class and add stress management and ended up going to my arts and crafts class late... and she was teaching it! She said something but didn't look too happy. Well, after class I ran back to that line (and convinced them to let me back in) and dropped that class too. Thank god there was a different class available! So I now have a class on women's health issues as well as stress management. Well, thankfully, I was able to get a new class given how late it is. And I don't have to see her face again!
What else is there... hmm okay, I made my Inca Cola shirt and filled my fish tank... now all I need is filter fiber (aka pillow stuffing), fake plants, and ... FISH! I may also get an African dwarf frog but they are kind of boring. However, they are so cute when they eat. They just shove the brine shrimp thingies in their mouths with their little hands.
Geez Im so exhausted... I should eat a better breakfast.
I hate being pissed... what's worse is when other people make you feel this way and they think they were justified in doing so.
I just dont understand... a "nice" person wouldn't say that. So I would have to disagree with her half ass theory about how you act one way is the way you are. Hasn't she ever heard of facades? Liars? People like her?
Guess not... but I surely know.
:: Jane Dee 2:36:00 PM [+] ::
Bad Things Happen I Guess
I went to my first day and all was going well. Until I got to my recreation class. To make a long story short, the "professor" winds up saying "...well i hope you never take care of me... you really should be more proactive with your life." referring to a) I will be a horrible nurse and b) I have no clue as to what I'm doing with my life. Not to mention she says all this in front of the class who then starts laughing at me. So I wait until the break and I tell her she is rude and unprofessional. Well, she will stick to what she thinks and claim that I came in with an attitude? What attitude? She asked me what my major was and scoffed at the fact that I, of all people could be in the nursing program. Then she asked me why I am taking this class and I said to fill up my schedule but apparently that made her mad. Stupid bitch. Thank god the class is once a week. I think I am going to tell the chairman about her unprofessional behavior. Who the hell does she think she is anyway?
:: Jane Dee 2:25:00 PM [+] ::
:: 9.05.2003 ::
Blogger somehow signed me on someone else's blog and I wrote about it here. Hehehe
I am working on my other pages and will be dying my hair soon. Ooh I can't wait. It'll look smashing.
I gathered all the pictures I want to use for display on my webpage. Apparently the count is about 500. Do you think that is too much? Do you know how many pictures I took on this trip? about 1400. Thank God for digital because that would be about 54 rolls and at $6 a roll to develop... well let's just say I'd rather not give CVS all that dough. I would like to know how to develop my own pictures but that class will have to wait.
Hmm. I don't even think I have enough room left for all these pictures even if I made them all small. Well, I guess im going to have to choose the best ones. And then wind up buying more space for my webpage. It seems inevitable because there are so many other things I will want to post not to mention how I'd like to upload my computer art. Maybe during the winter, when I will assume I have some time, I can delete some pictures? Maybe I can use someone else for space? (heheh) Oh whatever. I'm sure I'm over thinking it.
I ordered my lovely rolling bookbag on Tuesday afternoon and got it today, Thursday, at about 10:30am thanks to FedEx and the quick service at LL Bean. I am truely impressed by the speed! And to think I was going to wait at least until next week. Pfft! This is why I prefer FedEx to UPS: two days means two days. When I order from Amazon, lets say, my stuff takes so long to get here because they use UPS. Once I ordered Mozart's Symphony No. 30 from them and asked for the two day shipping because I needed it ASAP but didnt want to pay for overnight. Well, I waited and waited and it took FOUR days to reach me and I was so nervous because I really needed that symphony for a report for music class. It took three days to even get to my door to which those annoying yellow stickers were left saying how sorry they were that they missed me. You know something? My mother said that once she was waiting for a package from UPS and the guy didnt even ring the bell; she caught him simply writing out that blasted sticker without even checking if we were there! What an outrage! Well, I wrote a letter to Amazon saying how upset I was that I needed two day shipment and it didnt come in two days and I was just so distressed... well, they refunded my shipping costs and all was well with the world. I got an A on that report too.
My CBAC (corned beef and cabbage) is totally awesome! Now that I have almost perfected one of my most favorite dishes, I can officially move CBAC Night (previously at the pub) from Thursday to any day I choose! Hmm... Maybe Friday? Maybe Sunday? I love delicious decisions!
:: Jane Dee 1:52:00 AM [+] ::